Life in Real Time - Paradise Fears

Life in Real Time

Paradise Fears

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2015-12-04
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2015 DigSin, LLC


Title Artist Time
Intro 0:46 USD 1.29
Where to Begin 3:16 USD 1.29
Back to Life 3:32 USD 1.29
Who We Were With 3:05 USD 1.29
Talk About It 2:32 USD 1.29
You to Believe In 3:24 USD 1.29
Guard (Interlude) 2:21 USD 1.29
Sentiment 3:35 USD 1.29
Next to Me 3:02 USD 1.29
Sleep 4:01 USD 1.29
Say My Name 3:22 USD 1.29
Reunion 5:19 USD 1.29
Life in Real Time - Paradise Fears
Cover Album Life in Real Time - Paradise Fears


  • Really Good
    By JonEboy91
    I really like Paradise Fears and their newest album. Although not as good as their other albums "Life In Real Time" proves once again how good and really underated Paradise Fears Really Is.
  • It's okay
    By Roo Foxie
    I was a little disappointed when I first heard it, it's to poppy I really love your old sound on your first album and your battle scars album. The song I liked so far was You to Believe In.
    By PaJB3
    This is one of my new favorite bands! The songs are simply beautiful and you can tell each one has so much thought and work put into it. Keep it up Paradise Fears!! ❤️❤️
  • I love you💞
    By Melody A B
    this album is absolutely amazing just like the rest of their other albums.❤️
  • Fantastic!
    By MusicSpeaksForMe
    I just got the physical copy of this album in the mail and I couldn’t be happier! I love listening to a lot of bands, but there are a select few that I absolutely love listening to…and Paradise Fears falls into that special few. Now, I can’t guarantee that every single person who listens to them will absolutely love them (especially if you’re someone who has a preference for only one genre that these guys may not fall under), but I can guarantee that if you’re someone who just generally loves music for the sound and lyrics, these guys will definitely be a band you like, if not love. But enough promoting this fantastic band as a whole, let’s get specifically into this lovely album: Life in Real Time. What can I say other than this album is what it says? It’s an album about experience life in real time. The album begins with a beautiful intro that pumps you up for the awe and feels that are to come in the next 11 tracks. You’ll listen to songs about where to place yourself in the eyes of others (or rather placing yourself outside of others), about the emotional and mental turmoil in romantic relationships (though they could easily apply to friends and familial as well), and about reminding yourself that you can be just as big of a catalyst for becoming your own inspiration. Each song focuses on a specific idea and theme that cumulates into an album full of experiences that you go through—wait for it—life in real time. It has a nice balance of love and slice of life songs. Though each song is sort of a summary of the specific experience they’re writing about, most of their songs feel like you’re living through it in that 3, 4, or 5 minute song because it beautifully draws you back to that relatable moment(s) in your lifetime that ring those lyrics true. In short: buy this album if you’ve ever had downs and needed ups in your life.
  • Fresh and Incredible
    By Ginger500101
    This album is amazing! Paradise Fears really do what they always set out to do: “to write songs that matter… simple as that.” Every time I listen to this album, I get something new out of it. I feel relaxed and excited from this album. It is so incredible because these songs have great meanings behind them. Last night I was able to sit on the Paradise Fears tour bus and jam out with them for a little while. These guys are so genuine and cool. It was the best experience ever to sit on the bus of your musical idols and chat with them. They told us how each album, they want to put in even more meaning and get deeper into their sound. Paradise Fears has accomplished this and then some. Their sound is so different from other bands I listen to. Thank you Paradise Fears! Hope to see you soon!
  • So Proud
    By AbbeyLove97
    My favorite band has completed yet another beautiful album. Everyone check this out :)
  • The boys did it again.
    By bakkeronisauce
    I don't know how they absolutely nail it with every album, but they've definitely done it again with this one. The lyrics are so real and relatable. They've developed a really full, ambient new sound and it really suits them and their new material. Keep at it boys! We love you!
  • Love it!
    By lkondrich27
    I'm so proud of how far Paradise Fears has come! And this album mixes so many elements, it has something for everyone!
  • It's not downloading
    By Music girl16
    Now some of the songs are in black, hopefully the whole album will download once it is released. Paradise Fears is such an amazing band, I hope I'll be able to listen to their album.