Amber - Clearlake



  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2006-01-24
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2005 Domino Recording Co Ltd


Title Artist Time
No Kind of Life 3:33 USD 0.99
It's Getting Light Outside 3:45 USD 0.99
Amber 3:42 USD 0.99
Good Clean Fun 3:54 USD 0.99
Here to Learn 3:02 USD 0.99
You Can't Have Me 4:33 USD 0.99
Finally Free 3:32 USD 0.99
Dreamt That You Died 3:29 USD 0.99
Far Away 2:59 USD 0.99
Neon 3:48 USD 0.99
I Hate It That I Got What I Wa 3:16 USD 0.99
Widescreen 5:00 USD 0.99
Amber - Clearlake
Cover Album Amber - Clearlake


  • A Pleasant Surprise!
    By Room 237
    I heard the title track "Amber" on a college station while driving through Texas. It was unique and haunting, so I bought the CD without having any idea what I was in for. Once "No Kind Of Life" started, the surprises kept coming. I like CD's that are diverse and original. "Amber" perfectly fits that description. Great songs, great production, great performances! Thanks, Clearlake!
  • Every Song Is Strong
    By dhoneywell
    A fellow I know named Steve is always trying to get me into this band or that band. He likes the hippy music and I do not. So one day he says, "I finally found something you will definitely like." I scoffed but because I am a good guy I relented and gave AMBER a listen. I liked it indeed, but did not love it, on the first go round. I freely admit this. But on I listened at work, letting it play in the background as I typed away, writing poems and short dark stories instead of working. By the next day every song on the ever loving CD was stuck solidly in my thick head. This is no small feat my friends. This is the real stuff. The other band that Steve turned me onto is Spottiswoode and His Enemies. That's What I Like and Building A Road are both fine, fine CDs. Please do not tell Steve that I like these bands. That will be our secret. Buy them, listen, and enjoy...
  • Greatness
    By DG113
    I just discovered Clearlake two weeks back. Best Band I have heard this year. I'm suprised they are not much bigger in the US. A must for any true music fan.
  • Anyway...
    By Ueli-PLS
    I didn't like it nearly as much as their first two albums. One thing I've noticed with Clearlake, though, is that the more I listen to it, the more I like it. When I first hear one of their albums, I'll start out with two or three favorites that really speak to me--just enough to make me want to keep listening. But as I play their music at different times, one in a while something will suddenly "snap" and a song that only seemed so-so before will become another favorite. If you've never heard Clearlake before, I'd suggest starting out with Cedars or Lido and listening to all of the songs a few times before making up your (evil) mind. You just might get hooked.
  • but...
    By Shibbolethian
    it's a lovely sound and they can carry a beat that won't let your foot stay still, but they lack a certain soul that can be found in other bands. they seem to rely too heavily on riffs and not enough on vocals. the repetitiveness of the grungy-guitar riffs is novel in the beginning, but it becomes tiresome as the song works its way through.
  • A must for anyone with a respect for exceptional talent
    By searchingformylifessoundtrack
    This CD was a gamble for me because of its so few reviews, but listen to them! Clearlake is a safe bet and inspiring to those indie lovers out there. I only wish they would tour America soon.
  • Original
    By JMHills
    This is a great band and an equally great album. If you like indie that is different from what you normally hear, this is the album for you
  • A HUGE step up in quality!!!!
    By mtprez
    I almost didn't listen to this at all because I was underwhelmed with previous efforts by this band. But, they've found their muse, and come to life here. Much improved writing and production! A great alt/rock release. If you like bands like Interpol....check it out.
  • Great Album
    By hmtyrant
    This is a fantastic album, I cannot stop listening to it. The most refreshing album of the new year (2006)!
  • Clearly amazing
    By res118
    If you enjoy the warm, crunchy reverb of my bloody valentine and smooth vocals in the vein of the Notwist.. then be of good cheer. These Brits know how to create rock pop goodness that us yanks cannot resist. Although not quite perfect, this album is a gem in a sea of cloned fluff.