Say Nothing - Theory of a Deadman

Say Nothing

Theory of a Deadman

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2020-01-31
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2019


Title Artist Time
Black Hole In Your Heart 3:34 USD 1.29
History of Violence 3:54 USD 1.29
Affluenza 3:36 USD 1.29
Say Nothing 3:36 USD 1.29
Strangers 3:25 USD 1.29
Ted Bundy 3:32 USD 1.29
World Keeps Spinning 3:34 USD 1.29
Quicksand 3:00 USD 1.29
White Boy 4:10 USD 1.29
It's All Good 2:33 USD 1.29
Say Nothing - Theory of a Deadman
Cover Album Say Nothing - Theory of a Deadman


  • What happened?
    By srv lover
    How do they get away with a “rock” genre tag?...both the writing and the music/mix is not great when compared to anything prior to the last album (although Say Nothing has FAR better writing). What happened to them? This isn’t “evolving” or “changing their sound” - they flat out ABANDONED HARD ROCK. I used to love them because they gave off the same vibe that the old Hinder did...they literally put up a middle finger to the mainstream and dropped rock anthems about stuff they cared about or a parody song you could bang your head to. Even the heavier topics (like politics) were discussed on heavy rock songs. They completely gave up on it and turned their back on the fans they had from day one. They are spitting in the face of everything they used to be and everything their music stood for. As for those who are upset with reviewers giving single star reviews- we are allowed our opinions. I’m not saying the music is horrendous; however, it is based on the type of music that they used to shun. When compared to their other albums, this album is soulless and is a literal slap in the face to the band’s original values (which they had built a fanbase on). Don’t be surprised when your loyal fans get disappointed when you COMPLETELY CHANGE GENRES and go against the core values you had. It makes you seem fake and hollow, and the original fans can feel that. It feels like betrayal. Imagine Metallica going full pop...would you really expect all their fans to just chill and enjoy the changes? To simply reply “hey, they are just experimenting!”...come on. Just because you like the direction doesn’t mean that everybody else does. As a long time fan myself, I REALLY hope they take the criticism and low reviews as a sign to actually talk about the changes in their sound and where THEY want to be. At least then, the old fans know when to jump off the wagon.
  • L
    By brady r creasy
    Please excuse the rating i had a few years ago
  • I’m done
    By Rychelover-80s
    I made the mistake to buy the album to give them one more chance. They no longer have an edge and are just cookie cutter elevator music. Bye (They should have followed their own advice “say nothing”)
  • Love it
    By Funkybanana295245677
    I absolutely love this album, I can’t see why people are hating on it.
  • What they were and what they are not now.
    By Bman#1
    Some people can't understand why so many dislikes. If you listened to this album expecting to hear something like what they were known for, youd think you clicked on the wrong group. Sounds NOTHING like they use too. It's their right to go a different way musically but I don't care for this new direction at all. They have lost that sound I became such a fan of so now I'm going a different way too. So dissapointing waiting for a group to come out with something you have come to know, like, and be fans of just to have them do a 180. Best of luck but I'm out.
  • I’m ashamed to say
    By double pedaling monster
    I’m ashamed to say this is the first band I saw live!!! Songs like invisible man, better off, no surprise , and so happy!!! WTH happened guys?
  • Oh boy!
    By Breathoflife95
    Some more left-wing liberalism that is so politically correct I think I’m going to throw up. I know that you guys are extremely talented, so what gives? “Just going where the money is”? I’m wondering what is going on. Is selling out a good thing now? I just don’t get it. So, after spending some time listening to this album with the lyrics I find that this not exactly what it sounded like the first couple of times I heard it. I actually am surprised at a lot of the lyrics, how the “common sense” of the world has become nonexistent seemingly. I think that you guys are still the same people you were in the beginning of this thing...angry. I get it. I also realize that at the current moment of writing these songs that Rock music is practically dead and no one will listen to a hard rock record anymore. I think you or your label or both realize this. I do appreciate you guys being fearless with your lyrical content. I applaud you for this, in a day and time when only certain narratives are tolerated. I continue to support your efforts and am also sad to know that the world has changed so much and in the name of tolerance , has become extremely intolerant to anything outside of the narrative. I see the push back and I apologize for any hurt I may have caused you guys by being so critical. Please forgive my stupidity. Being misunderstood and under appreciated is never fun, you guys are fantastic songwriters. I do wish and pray that you guys would embrace the Lord Jesus and become his followers. One day... God bless you all.
  • A couple of good songs
    By Panthergf
    There’s a couple of good songs on the album, but that’s about it. I’m all for trying new tracks but not for an entire album of changing your style and music that made me become a fan. A very far departure from their previous works. I’ll continue jamming their other great albums though.
  • Burning Trash
    By Not a back to back Trapt Album
    This album sums up 2020 in a genius way, a total dumpster fire....
  • Where
    By Sirdew1
    Where is theory of a dead man at the last two hours I’ve been nothing but trash too much keyboard you need to get back to the roots what you got them on the radio. Straightahead rock ‘n’ roll stop playing with something that works experiment with you and get back to what people want to hear please should be zero stars