The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert

Bob Dylan

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1998-10-13
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 15

  • ℗ Originally Recorded 1966, Originally Released 1985 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.


Title Artist Time
She Belongs to Me (Live) 3:27 USD 1.29
Fourth Time Around (Live) 4:37 USD 1.29
Visions of Johanna (Live) 8:08 USD 1.29
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue ( 5:45 USD 1.29
Desolation Row (Live) 11:31 USD Album Only
Just Like a Woman (Live) 5:52 USD 1.29
Mr. Tambourine Man (Live) 8:52 USD 1.29
Tell Me, Momma (Live) 4:49 USD 1.29
I Don't Believe You (She Acts 5:30 USD 1.29
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down ( 3:27 USD 1.29
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (L 5:37 USD 1.29
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Liv 3:21 USD 1.29
One Too Many Mornings (Live) 3:38 USD 1.29
Ballad of a Thin Man (Live) 7:00 USD 1.29
Like a Rolling Stone (Live) 8:01 USD 1.29
The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The
Cover Album The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert - Bob Dylan


  • The Royal Albert Hall Incident
    By Michael Christmas II
    PLEASE ADD THE HECKLERS BACK! The music is probably the best in Dylan’s career which makes this a worthy buy, but we also don’t have the Hecklers. Please add the hecklers back, it’s on the CD version, why not digital?
    By Rex8872
    Between Bob saying "You're a Liar" and "Play it F***ing loud" you can hear someone from The Hawks say "come on Man" (either Danko or Robertson). Another small moment during a truly historic performance.
  • Work Of A Genius
    By msteph7
    Simply put, this is one of the greatest albums of all time. Timeless, poignant, transcending and oh so beautiful.
  • to "DylanFan97"
    By bob bobblaw
    relax . . . . .
  • How could you do such a thing?
    By DylanFan97
    How could a music company have the heart to ruin such great music? For those of you who are still giving this album 5 stars, I agree that what is available right now, in this form, is worthy of 5 stars. So why did I not give it so? Well, this is a sin of ommission rather than of commission. How could you leave out one of the most notorious music-related moments of the 20th Century? The infamous, "Judas!" remark, Dylan's reply, and his instructions to, "Play f**king loud!", embody everything Dylan stood for--or rather didn't stand for--at that period of time. Like the riots that followed Stravinsky's unveiling of "The Rite of Spring" in 1913 that birthed modern music, this event showed that sometimes a work of art can be so ahead of it's time that we humans are not yet ready to embrace it- only to later find it was one of our species' greatest achievments. And now, for my final word on the subject, a message to iTunes: iTunes, what in God's name have you done? If you haven't the decency to keep great art as a whole, especially when the part you have barbarically stripped is one of the great pieces of recorded sound we have from the 20th century, then I suggest you stop running a music company. iTunes, your soul is cold, barren wasteland, and you haven't the sense of a chimpanzee peeing into it's own mouth.
  • Greatest Live album of all time. Even without the missing parts.
    By PositivelyJordan
    I hate how these people are rating the album 0 stars because of the missing chatter between songs. Yes there really is no excuse as to why it is excluded here when it is in fact on the CD and Vinyl records. Saying that though, I think it really is dumb to rate this album 0 stars considering the music by itself is excellent. You can voice your opinion about the chatter but please rate this album as if it included it.
  • Me and my lady look out tonight from desolation row
    By Stdylan420
    An amazing cd I'm glad I could download it cause the cd I own doesn't play too well but I bought the whole album and desolation row is still processing to download and it's been a month
    By Tucker Gordon
    i want my money back this is ridiculous iTunes ruined the album. Thanks for wasting my money i guess i'll just pirate the REAL version.
  • best version by far of desolation row
    By tyisfreezing
    desolation row is my favorite dylan song its classic and speaks beauty and it amazing.and this is the best version of it. so what if it's eleven minutes. if you can't sit down and listen to a song that long then dont waste ur time. but it's amazing
  • Some Help.
    By theshoelesshunter
    If you want the "Judas" part of the song just buy the NO DIRECTION HOME version of Like a Rolling Stone and it's in there.