...Until We Felt Red - Kaki King

...Until We Felt Red

Kaki King

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2006-08-08
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 14

  • ℗ 2006 Velour Recordings, Inc.


Title Artist Time
Yellowcake 2:52 USD 0.99
...Until We Felt Red 4:54 USD 0.99
You Don't Have To Be Afraid 8:10 USD 0.99
Goby 3:26 USD 0.99
Jessica 3:41 USD 0.99
First Brain 3:40 USD 0.99
I Never Said I Love You 4:30 USD 0.99
Ahuvati 3:42 USD 0.99
These Are The Armies Of The Ty 5:19 USD 0.99
Second Brain 3:04 USD 0.99
Soft Shoulder 2:52 USD 0.99
The Footsteps Die Out Forever 2:15 USD 0.99
Gay Sons Of Lesbian Mothers 4:06 USD 0.99
Brazilian (Bonus Track) 5:09 USD 0.99
...Until We Felt Red - Kaki King
Cover Album ...Until We Felt Red - Kaki King


  • Followed her Music...
    By Galactic Nebula
    through the years. I am so honored and blessed that her music helped me through under graduate school!! I had the honor of seeing her Live 3 times! In L.A., Arcata and Chico! Loved her everytime. Thanks for the introduction my love Alma!
  • simply wonderful
    By Evie lyn
    Every song has its own element of beauty, its own world crafted by flowing harmonies and melodic lines...if some people say this music is boring, they must want the commercial kind of manufactured artist. You're not going to find that here. This music is so brilliant and honest. Sometimes innocent. Some bands sound like they're out to be popular and for the fame, but Kaki King just does what she wants, and the result is this beautiful compilation of songs. A lot of them are almost meditative, or should I say medicative? It's like music from the soul, for the soul. what else can I say? - BUY THIS ALBUM!! :) - you'll find that it may exceed your expectations. it sure did to mine.
  • First Brain
    By Lucid SongCatcher
    There are many good tracks but "First Brain" is sublime. Be still and let it pull you into the spaces between the notes. "Gay Sons" and "You don't have to be afraid" are worth it, too.
  • Incredible real sound
    By slove
    I was a big fan of Vienna Teng and saw an article about Vienna also covering Kaki King. I checked out a couple free downloads and was instantly hooked. She's melancholic in a relaxing way. Her voice is what makes this album stand out among her others. Each song carries a mood that is so real. The songs echo true human emotion caught by sound. It will be a cult favorite of mine.
  • Things to come...
    If this is a sign of things to come, I will buy every Kaki King album. This is her best effort yet. I absolutely love where she went with this album and i can play it any time of day, for any mood, and it absolutely fits. BUY THIS ALUBM.
  • perfect for lazy afternoons at the park
    By highfivesforeveryone
    this album is solid. kaki's guitar work is amazing and though there is a backing band to some of the tracks she remains the focus. her singing matches well with her sound and over all the record is very well done and definitely worth listening for anyone who enjoys the sound of guitars. as a side note i really like the cover artwork.
  • beautiful
    By four13
    what more can you say really? legs to make us longer was great, this is just as good, if not better.
  • Breaking New Artistic Ground
    By Dave_in_VT
    I've been a fan of Kaki for some time, and just saw her here in Vermont last Friday. This album marks a breakthrough in her own artistic journey and explores new creative ground mixing indie rock, folk, jazz. I would say it's deeply introspective, but not quiet. Kaki developed quite a following doing "guitar acrobatics" – especially difficult, primarily instrumental acoustic songs in the past, which were quite spectacular, especially to musicians who could appreciate the difficulty of what she had accomplished. "Until We Felt Red" in contrast is a complete package of artistic expression– Kaki has built compositions that layer harmony and texture, brought her voice and lyrics into the mix and discovered new paths to explore with the guitar. You'll find more electric guitar and lap steel than acoustic guitar, and she's backed by drums, keyboards and trumpet. After a dozen careful listenings and watching her peform this material live, I continue to be impressed and discover new things that make this album so compelling, during a time when many of us "feel red".
  • Masterful
    By javaman717
    This is a highly accomplished album from an artist who has now established herself as a master of her instrument and style (as if there were any doubt before). Her sound has expanded somewhat here; instead of the simple guitar/vocal combination that we're used to, other instruments have been added for an ambient affect that most definately works, and makes the music much more intricate and powerful. If you own any album by King, this would be a good first choice.
  • A growing artist
    By MikeRafone
    This album definitely has more color/tonality than her previous 2, with added depth from the percussion, vocals, horns & electric guitar. More intense without being overwhelming. Touches of Fiona Apple, but not so "wounded," yet still being introspective and not as self-obsessed as Tori Amos. A touch of slide guitar keeps it interesting. First Brain/Second Brain sound most like her prior work. Not wild about Brazilian -- it's a little frantic and unevenly paced. Kaki King is definitely an evolving guitarist on the rise.