Eighteen Visions - Eighteen Visions

Eighteen Visions

Eighteen Visions

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2006-07-18
  • Explicitness: cleaned
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12



Title Artist Time
Our Darkest Days 2:52 USD 1.29
Victim 2:58 USD 1.29
Truth or Consequence 4:14 USD 1.29
Burned Us Alive 3:42 USD 1.29
Black and Bruised 3:21 USD 1.29
Broken Hearted 4:05 USD 1.29
Pretty Suicide 4:16 USD 1.29
Coma 3:36 USD 1.29
The Sweetest Memory 4:09 USD 1.29
Last Night 3:35 USD 1.29
Your Nightmare 3:27 USD 1.29
Tonightless 5:40 USD 1.29
Eighteen Visions - Eighteen Visions
Cover Album Eighteen Visions - Eighteen Visions


  • Amazing
    By z900
    great album. does anybody know where to find a guitar tab for black and bruised?
  • Good 5th Album
    By extremrocker
    this is there best one and there better than they were before.
  • Broken Hearted
    By meshmdz
    I give this record 4 stars b/c it isnt a great record by any means. However, "Broken-Hearted" as the absolute BEST song of 2006. I had so much to pick from and nothing of that year unseated Broken Hearted by 18 Visions. This song alone is worth the record. The emotion in this song is unheard of. If you dont buy anything else ever from this band, BUY "Broken Hearted." It will break your heart. Fantastic song.
  • rock socks!
    By vampiregirl66612
    i luv 18visions!~ my fav song is victim, the music video is so awesome!
  • i may sound like a hypocrite...
    By randomdude12
    i've known a lot of bands who had a good first album, then sucked in the end, like green day. but seriously, this album is still heavier than pop punk or anything like that. they simply decided to try something new. if you had bought the actual CD, it came wiht a DVD on the making, and they explained that they wanted to prove that they too could make a pop CD. and it's unfair to call them mainstream for the simple reason that they aren't. having like...2 successful singles is nothing. besides, the singles aren't that mainstream. and to top it. LOTS OF YOU GUYS ARE USING AVENGED SEVENFOLD TO BACK YOU UP! HAVE YOU GUYS FREAKIN' FORGOT WHAT AVENGED SEVENFOLD USED TO PUT UP? THEN THEY ALSO BECAMSE MELODIC WITH SONGS LIKE BAT COUNTRY AND SEIZE THE DAY. LOOK, THIS BAND HAS SIMPLY MATURED, AND A TRUE FAN SHOULD MATURE ALONG WITH A BAND UNLESS THE BAND OBVIOUSLY SOLD OUT. SO IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE PEOPLE COMPLAINING, YOU'RE THE REAL 18V POSER.
  • pretty good
    By fultzie12
    i would have liked to hear more screaming though...
  • Who needs....
    By loveitunesmuzic
    WHO NEEDS 18 VISIONS TO CHOOSE FROM WHEN YOU HAVE THIS BAND!!! lol But seriously buy this album and you'll thank me later!
  • Great
    By x9ioBioaY6x
    18V is an awsome band that diserves more atention. I went to see Avenges Sevenfold at a concert in NYC, and they were the opining band. They are really talented, and this CD has better vocals then Vanity! ^.^
  • A Great Album
    By A7XMadMan
    Eighteen Vision's newest album is very similar to Obsession. One major difference between the older albums and this one is that Eighteen Visions now has two guitarists instead of one. I recommend this album for fans of Avenged Sevenfold.
  • so sick
    By psychicheart<3
    this album is terrible. i agree that eighteen visions used to put out some good stuff, but this is way too overproduced.