Sola Scriptura - Neal Morse

Sola Scriptura

Neal Morse

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2007-03-15
  • Explicitness: cleaned
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2007 Radiant Records


Title Artist Time
The Door 29:13 USD Album Only
The Conflict 25:00 USD Album Only
Heaven In My Heart 5:10 USD 0.99
The Conclusion 16:34 USD Album Only
Sola Scriptura - Neal Morse
Cover Album Sola Scriptura - Neal Morse


  • Absolutely perfect!!
    By Intro puke passion e
    One of the best intros to a CD I think I've ever heard so and Neil could you please fix snow on iTunes the album is not complete
  • Prog rock heaven!
    By Thalion99
    Can't describe just how good this album is. Every musician on the album is a master of their craft. But more than anything Neal is an amazing song writer who's put together an epic masterpiece that will stand the test of time.
  • Epic
    By CtznSldr
    Probably Neal Morse's best. Definitely the heaviest album and just as focused as Question. "The Door" is 29 minutes of pure genius.
  • Neal Morse and Company, Live
    By SR601
    Having just seen Neal Morse, Mike Portnoy, Randy George, Bill Hubauer, Eric Gillette, and Adson Sodre live Friday night, 10/12, I can unequivocally attest to the genius of this band. I'm talking partially about the MOMENTUM album which is not on iTunes but is available through Morse's website. I used to be a bit turned off by Mr. Morse's Christianity. Now, I am not most definitely NOT turned off. The passion of the man and the message of his music, not to mention the incredibly talented but not overblown musicianship, is something that I hope that everyone can witness. He played part 2 of "The Conflict" last night and blew my ears off. This album is an excellent demonstration of the cohesiveness and skill of this band. Excellent album, excellent band, and most excellent person. A genius without question.
  • Sola Scriptura
    By Williiam E
    First off, the person that "officially" reviewed this album, made personal comments instead of reviewing the music on its own merit. Everyone has a preference as-to-what they like concerning everything on this planet, but that doesn't mean that Neal hates people that have different beliefs. I stopped listening to vocals a long time ago, except for a few songs here and there, because words reflect the propaganda/beliefs of the singer, or song writer. This album has good music, and now I can listen to the words of a "brother," who makes Christ the center of his life. I only recently started listening to Neal, because of one song on a Transatlantic album, and one on a Spock's Beard album. God Bless Neal Morse! There is only one God, unless a person believes in "gods," and there is only one belief that is correct if there is only one God. Multiple gods are man made, because it is the man-made graven image/idol that is worshipped usually, instead of the worship going towards a deity who solely has power. God says that either you are for Him, or against Him; only the unsaved usually have a problem with the mention of His name, or the mention of His Son Jesus Christ. Ultimately, there will be a Judgment Day when the aforementioned "true belief" will be revealed, and that will determine everyones disposition for salvation. Read Romans chapter 10, verses 9 and 10 to find out salvation requirements. Neal's album is wonderful, and I hope that he keeps the riffs strong, and the words righteous.
  • Neal. . .MORE
    By t CruciFiction
    This is my first review and my first Neal Morse purchase, so please go easy on me. I hope my review will help. Sola Scriptura is certainly one of the best contemporary progressive albums. The musicianship of Neal and his guests is outstanding. This album presents a magnificent blend between progressive metal and progressive symphonic rock. Neal is truly a master of progressive rock, and he displays this with this album. The only downside to this album, in my opinion, are the lyrics. I am not a Christian, or religious at all for that matter, so unfortunately I do find the lyrics to be a bit empty and unappealing. The lyrics almost seem forced, as if Neal was straining to fit his message in with the music. But at least Neal is singing about something moving and deep to many people. However, despite my personal qualms with the lyrics, I do enjoy the fact that it is a concept album and tells the story of Martin Luther. Here is a song-by-song break down: 1) The Door - ***** If you haven't heard this song in it's entirety yet, be sure to listen to it when you are able to dedicate your full attention to it. It is spectacular. It is a mammoth piece, that competes with such songs as; "Thick as a Brick", "All of the Above", "The Gates of Delirium", "Supper's Ready", "2012", "Tarkus", "Duel with the Devil", "In Earnest", "Octavarium", and "The Great Nothing". This song is truely epic. It is a masterpiece. Vocals - **** Keys - ***** Guitar - **** Drums - ***** Bass - **** Lyrics - ** 2) The Conflict - **** Wow. This song is great. It opens to the ripping sound of an excellent guitar solo. It also contains an interesting and moving latin-style passage, near the middle, which consumes a good 5 minutes of the song. Be sure to let this one soak in as well, you will not regret it. Vocals - **** Keys - ***** Guitar - ***** Drums - ***** Bass - *** Lyrics - ** 3) Heaven in my Heart - *** I did not give this song 3 stars simply because I only enjoy fast songs, that is not true. The focus of slower songs is typically the lyrics. And in this case, I do not care for the lyrics. But it is still a good piece. Vocals - **** Keys - **** Guitar - N/A Drums - **** Bass - *** Lyrics - ** 4) The Conclusion - **** This song is something special. It opens slowly and quietly only to explode into an insane keyboard passage shortly after. It is not particularly a fast paced song, but it fluctuates. This song is sure to be enjoyed by any prog lover. Vocals - **** Keys - ***** Guitar - **** Drums - **** Bass - **** Lyrics - ** Overall, this album is superb. In my opinion, it is Neal's best. In my opinion, it is not quite to the level of the work he did with Transatlantic, but it is still top-notch progressive rock. If you love progressive rock and lengthy songs, this album is for you.
  • I've changed my mind
    By King Crimson
    I used to be pissed at Neal for going Christian Rock, but to be honest I don't really mind much any more. Sure, I wish he stayed with Spock's Beard and Transatlantic and kept making music with them, but what he's doing here is pretty sweet too. This might be my favorite of his solo albums, all the way through the music is incredible. The Door has to be the greatest Christian song ever recorded. The thing about this album in particular is that it is very Christian, but the main focus is on telling the story of a great man, Martin Luther, and ends up being one of the most epic concept albums ever recorded. Neal is the greatest musician of our time and always produces quality work but he has really outdone himself with this one. 5 stars and highly recommended.
  • Neil . . .
    By ProgKing!!!
    I know you like Jesus and everything . . . but thats not what music is about. I'm a little disappointed in you . . . you're such a genius . . . but you've wasted your gift. I know that you think what happened to you was a miracle . . . but what about all the other kids? Do you really think that if there is a God that he's so egotistical that he cares if you believe in him, and spread his word . . . do you really think that? I'm not saying this to be mean Neal . . . I'm saying this as a friend. You're work has inspired me before . . . but talking about Jesus and God doesn't help anything. It doesn't change any minds . . . and it won't make the world a better place for your daughter. Neal . . . please . . . you could do so much more.
  • This rocks, without the devil!
    By tpatriot
    Mike Portnoy is amazing on this album, totally pushing the hard-thumping rhythms driving these songs. I wish these guys would improve their marketing to record stores and Christian stores. I couldn't find it anywhere in Utah. As soon as it popped-up on i-Tunes I downloaded it. It is amazing! I haven't heard keyboards like this since the old days of Styx and Kansas. This one is a must buy.
  • Waiting for the New one.
    By Person1379
    It's finished his next album yet he hasn't reliased it. I'm just sitting here waiting for it. This was by far the best album of the year last year and it sounds nothing like kieth green.