We Can't Dance (Remastered) - Genesis

We Can't Dance (Remastered)


  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1991-10-28
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • Under exclusive license to Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company for t


Title Artist Time
No Son of Mine 6:39 USD 1.29
Jesus He Knows Me 4:16 USD 1.29
Driving the Last Spike 10:08 USD Album Only
I Can't Dance 3:59 USD 1.29
Never a Time 3:50 USD 1.29
Dreaming While You Sleep 7:16 USD 1.29
Tell Me Why 4:59 USD 1.29
Living Forever 5:41 USD 1.29
Hold On My Heart 4:37 USD 1.29
Way of the World 5:39 USD 1.29
Since I Lost You 4:09 USD 1.29
Fading Lights 10:27 USD Album Only
We Can't Dance (Remastered) - Genesis
Cover Album We Can't Dance (Remastered) - Genesis


  • Well Produced
    By musiking
    This is a well produced, written and played album. As a stand alone album it is amazing.
  • The last great album from genesis
    By macforever2012
    This is last swan song for the band as for as studio albums go.at this point I remembering collins giving an interview about how he was bored with making albums and the music business by the time this album got released and to be honest Phil became so successful in the previous decade that it just did t matter no more how good the songs were.nevertheless there is some good tunes on here but it’s nothing like their previous releases from the 80’s
  • GrewUpOnThisAlbum
    By KurtNotInRoadHouse
    My old man had this album in his car 6-disc changer when I was a kid growing up, along with every other Genesis/Collins album, but this album was a go-to for us and still is, just a remarkable album all-around!
  • Jgls1987
    By El Patriota
    One of the worst Genesis albums. It is a crime against humanity to hear this album.
  • Timeless Album!
    By Storms37
    This album was as important to me when I was 15 when it came out as it is today. I appreciate it much more today than I had at 15. To me 1 of their finest works. Has Phil Collins really ever performed a dud? Not in my opinion.
  • Suprisingly...
    By W. S. Lee Jackson
    A surprisingly good effort from a band at the stage when many just mail it in. This recording includes some of their best music in a long time, some of my favorites include Driving the Last Spike, Dreaming While You Sleep, Fading Lights, No Son of Mine. I really like the fun, the punch, and the silliness of I Can't Dance but much of the rest of this record does not hold up. And while I cannot blame them for wanting to continue, they should have made this their last album. too many losses in personnel at that point.
  • Driving the Last Spike, masterpiece of a song, Excellent CD
    By mwe1984
    This 1991 release isn't the best CD ever released by Genesis, but it is still excellent. A few reviewers have mentioned "Driving the Last Spike," and rightfully so. DTLS is an epic ten minute song about the British railroads being built in the 19th century. Collins penned the song and it's one of those songs that starts slow, but tells a wonderful but sad story. Driving the Last Spike builds to a powerful bridge at about the 5:00 mark and then rocks with a great rhythm guitar from the bands founding member Mike Rutherford. Collins is at his best here with heartfelt and sonically pleasing vocals, Love this song and since I wrote a whole paragraph about it, check it out if you haven't heard it yet. The rest of the album has many strong tracks as well. "No Son of Mine," "Fading Lights," "Never a Time," and "Dreaming While You Sleep." "Since I Lost You," is a very poignant song written by Collins for the son of Eric Clapton who died at the age of 4. Many listeners thought Collins wrote this about his failed marriage. This was the first Genesis album since 1986 when Invisible Touch was a huge success. Critics were luke warm about the album, many calling it bland and soul less. But I seriously doubt if they really listened to it. Excellent album, probably in my top 5 of all Genesis albums.
  • Love it....
    By colreee
    It's a rare thing when I find an album that I feel doesn't have a bad song on it. This is one of those few. Great songs, great vocals.
  • a little sanity here
    By ssport
    all these 5 star reviews makes it seems like this Genesis album is as good as their prior efforts. It isn't. Not to say that it's bad, but it's pretty clear that by this point they'd lost a little spark from the 80s. Having said that, this is not a bad album.....it's just that the whole thing seems muted in enthusiasm or something; not as many hooks; the songs just are generally lackluster. But "Hold on my Heart" is good, as is "Since I lost you." "Tell me Why" is also listenable.
  • Phil went out with a bang!!!!!
    By will1494
    This was Phil Collins last album with Genesis and my favorite. Jesus He knows is my favorite song and their isnt a bad song in the whole album...