Morning Sun - Balance Problems

Morning Sun

Balance Problems

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2008-02-15
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2008 Balance Problems


Title Artist Time
A Hard Look At the Facts 5:09 USD 0.99
Morning Sun 5:30 USD 0.99
The Neighbor Kid Has a Gun 6:43 USD 0.99
The World's Strongest Man 5:56 USD 0.99
Iowa 4:39 USD 0.99
Drive, Sleep, Repeat 4:34 USD 0.99
Presidents Day 3:50 USD 0.99
Blankets In the Grass 5:05 USD 0.99
Winter Sun 4:13 USD 0.99
The Bo Tree 3:39 USD 0.99
Morning Sun - Balance Problems
Cover Album Morning Sun - Balance Problems


  • Bravo
    By Michaela Heaphy
    I remember finding Brack's new project a couple years back an to his day I still listen to his music on a daily basis. There's a peace and relaxing quality to his music, not to mention it's great for the quintessential hippie road trip :)
  • We are all afraid to be alone, so we go home.
    By Dahh-nn-ii-ee.
    Blankets in the Grass is one of my all time favorites. Every single one of the songs on this album have some sort of meaning, unlike some songs. This music touches my heart.
  • positive and positive!
    By allenhmusic
    At first i was really sad to hear that brack had left sky eats airplane. He decided that he had wanted to do more mellow sounds with less heavier stuff and all that screaming. Who, i thought, would be able to match his vocals in this still coming out band. Then jerry roush joined SEA and they really took off. I sold merch for them at one of their shows at CLUB SOUND in Salt lake city Utah and i was amazed at thier new sound. Then as i was surfin' the web one day i saw that brack had come out with a new sideproject which had the first track " enderly " on it. His sounds are by far the best ambiet/indie music projects ive ever heard done. All i can say is that two positives came out of the situation. My favorite band SEA are really good now that brack left, and that now, he has this whole project really going for him. Hope to hear more soon
  • amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By llamamaster666
    this is seirously amazing!!!! buy this album!!!!!!!!! you will forget all of your problems when you listen to this!!!!!! BUY BUY BUY BUY!!! brack cantrell is so awsome!!! there is not one song i do not like.
  • amazing
    By whostoletheradio
    i love "blankets in the grass." the tone is just so peaceful & beautiful.
  • Top 5 favorite CD's i've ever heard.
    By Beau Nerman
    Beautiful. Instrumentally and lyrically. Like the guy below me said, there isn't a song to date I don't like from Brack. Just a warning before you buy this, you'll end up buying the other CDs within a week. I have all 3 of his ones on here and all the ones I could find for free download on myspace. There isn't one I don't like.
  • Yes Sir
    Cory Harvard is where its at DOH
  • Sound
    By Basmajian
    Morning Sun and The Sound of Hibernating are two of the most creative albums I have ever heard. Every single song has a beauty to them, from the powerful lyrics, to the banjo. Brack has formed a new sound that is well worth the price. Far from Sky Eats Airplane, yet still having the creative vibe that flows throughout each song. My advice, BUY BOTH ALBUMS... I would have to say my favorite songs are Iowa, The World's Strongest Man, Presidents Day, and Blankets In The Grass. Im pleased that someone in this world can capture a sound so interesting.
  • Loveloveloveeeeeee
    By wzzup sydney
    This is amazing. I love Brack with all my heart=] his music makes me happy, and you should so buy this. you're not gonna regret it. i promise<3
  • Perfect.
    By ladybug92
    I've liked BP for a really, REALLY long time. So when I found out they were on iTunes, I just about wet my pants. Every single track on this album is amazing, I promise. My favorites have to be 'A Hard Look At the Facts', 'The Neighbor Kid Has a Gun' and 'Drive, Sleep, Repeat'. Morning Sun is worth the $9.90 and so much more. Seriously, this album is gold. You're missing out if it isn't in your iTunes library right now.