Low Level Owl, Vol. 1 - The Appleseed Cast

Low Level Owl, Vol. 1

The Appleseed Cast

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2001-10-23
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 14

  • ℗ 2004 Deep Elm Records Inc


Title Artist Time
The Waking of Pertelotte 2:02 USD 0.99
On Reflection 6:26 USD 0.99
Blind Man's Arrow 3:38 USD 0.99
Flowers Falling from Dying Han 3:29 USD 0.99
Messenger 0:46 USD 0.99
Doors Lead to Questions 2:53 USD 0.99
Steps and Numbers 5:54 USD 0.99
Sentence 2:57 USD 0.99
Bird of Paradise 2:24 USD 0.99
Mile Marker 4:02 USD 0.99
Convict 6:02 USD 0.99
A Tree for Trails 1:28 USD 0.99
Signal 3:11 USD 0.99
View of a Burning City 7:52 USD 0.99
Low Level Owl, Vol. 1 - The Appleseed Cast
Cover Album Low Level Owl, Vol. 1 - The Appleseed Cast


  • A masterpiece
    By pooch-o
    Words truly can't describe how amazing this album is. Melodic, emotional, flowing, unique. The drumming is flawless. Musical perfection.
  • And The Critics Say...
    By OasisProject
    "An experiment that could only result from following one's heart, Low Level Owl: Volume 1 from The Appleseed Cast is a beautiful quilt of varied musical textures. Carefully layering simple, clean riffs over delayed single notes to create multiple harmonies melded with thunderous beats and nearly hypnotic loops, this recording gives sound and space dimension seldom stumbled upon within the recording studio. Intricately decorated with sparse arrangements of guitar and piano, this record is based on the fact that the vibe comes first and foremost and that every instrument is just that...an instrument, a tool to establish a greater whole. This record stands on its own." - Punk Planet "Low Level Owl is a supernova and a full redefinition of The Appleseed Cast...a sprawling two-disc monster that redirects their ambition from the emotional release of their earlier albums into the meticulous conceptions crafted through endless hours of studio time. Overhauling their sound and incorporating a wide melange of styles, the technical execution throughout the album is flawless. Just the arrangement of the music alone shows the amount of thought that goes into an album of this size. There are hints of Stone Roses, My Bloody Valentine and Built to Spill - all embedded a lush wave of production reminiscent of the Flaming Lips, Spiritualized or Mogwai. With Low Level Owl, they establish their own unique vision for the future of rock, offering hope and brighter possibilities for the genre...or rather, creating their own. It's time to herald The Appleseed Cast for what they are now, and what they're about to become: ground breaking." - Pitchfork "The Appleseed Cast's newest project, Low Level Owl, seeks to be as epic in scope as albums such as OK Computer and Zen Arcade. Sporting an all-around air of intellectualism, The Appleseed Cast are definitely setting the bar high for Low Level Owl...now, hearing half of it I'm convinced they can pull it off. Tending more away from traditional pop structure and taking the form of extended, epic non-songs, it's like being trapped inside a whirlpool...you keep seeing the same points over and over, even though you're propelled ever-forward. There's an undeniable claustrophobic quality that contrasts the ambient instrumental experiments wonderfully. Low Level Owl is a really great record, and The Appleseed Cast are an exciting and vital band who are pushing the limits of their sound." - Deep Fry Bonanza "The two volume set from The Appleseed Cast that is Low Level Owl honestly leaves me speechless. I didn't stop listening to this for days after I got them. This is a masterpiece. They experiment with lots of ideas and sounds and have created a perfect blend of dynamics and sound. Everything from the music to the art and layout is perfect. I think if I could recommend one selection, Low Level Owl would be it. Incredible and a half." - Invisible Youth "Honestly, Low Level Owl Volume I is one of the greatest albums I've heard in quite some time. The Appleseed Cast flows with sincerity and angelic swells of fourteen very impressive tracks. This record has it all and experiments with innovative sounds with varying instruments and amazing loops. Trying to compare the Appleseed Cast with another band is near impossible. I cannot stress how beautiful this album is and I eagerly await Volume II. If you're into mellow, dynamic and outright emotional music, The Appleseed Cast is a definite must. This whole record enthralls me." - Punkhardcore "Low Level Owl Volume I from The Appleseed Cast is one of the best albums to come out this year...one of the best to come out in recent memory, truth be told. It has been stuck in my stereo for weeks now, and every day I anxiously wait for the postman to arrive with Volume II. The Appleseed Cast have recorded 26 utterly gorgeous songs spread out over two albums, and the result is utter devotion to the rapture they've created. With the vocals blurring into the background and the focus on the sonic textures of each, the songs avoid becoming maudlin and instead weave a lush blanket of warm, inviting melancholy. It's not what's being sung or played - it's the way in which it's being done and the beautiful ache it leaves in its place. The songs shift and slip between each other through a series of instrumental bridges consisting of backwards loops, drum samples, and other smartly used covert effects, and listening through Low Level Owl you can tell that a painstaking amount of time and attention was paid to each sound and each nuance, all enticing one's ears with a cacophony of aural delight. The Appleseed Cast, on the first volume of Low Level Owl can do no wrong; instead, they prove further that such musicianship and dedication to its muse should not go unnoticed. Don't let this one pass you by." - Ear Pollution "Low Level Owl: Volume I does to music what poetry does to literature, and The Appleseed Cast seems to have reached epic heights with this new record. The songs that are orchestrated on this disk are warm, sensitive tunes that seem to flow through one another, resulting in one big parable. They manage to fit these pieces together in a way that builds an atmosphere and makes you wish you were in heaven already. If you want a sound that is both innovative and mind-distracting, this is the one for you." - Punk Updates
  • Not Happy!
    By chasethefrickinrace
    Do not buy from itunes. Tons of skipping! They messed this one up big time!
  • Makes you listen...
    By xian27
    I was down in Tampa, Florida for their last tour and they played Steps and Numbers from this record and I couldn't recall which record it was from. This is the one. Check this song out not to mention all the others. The beginning of the transformation from a decent band to creating their own genre. Truly set apart. Listen to everything they've made. you won't regret it. i'm just sayin'
  • something new
    By itsmusicbaby
    my friend told me about this band and i really like it! i'd never heard of them before but they are good! my favorite song is "steps and numbers" they are a good band... i'm glad i discovered them :)
  • Truely the turning point
    By FMH
    This album is truley the turning point that transforms The Appleseed Cast from merley a good band to one that can be considered one of the greats of its genre.
  • This album will be your next favorite album for a good 10 years!
    By The Sunny Day Theft
    Every song flows smoothly into the next song making this album amazing. Especially "Doors lead to questions", which then flows right into the start of "steps and numbers" which is probabley one of the best songs on this album. All I can say is you will become addicted to this album and that if this album was $100 it would still be worth buying! You must buy this and listen!