Hooked On Classics Collection - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Hooked On Classics Collection

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Genre: Easy Listening
  • Release Date: 1998-01-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 30

  • ℗ 2008 K-tel


Title Artist Time
Hooked On Classics (Pts. 1 & 2 5:06 USD 0.99
Hooked On Romance 6:41 USD 0.99
Hooked On Classics (Pt. 3) 6:01 USD 0.99
Hooked On Bach 5:59 USD 0.99
Hooked On Tchaikovsky 5:28 USD 0.99
Hooked On a Song 5:11 USD 0.99
Hooked On Mozart 4:08 USD 0.99
Hooked On Mendelssohn 4:24 USD 0.99
Hooked On a Can Can 4:57 USD 0.99
Can't Stop the Classics 5:48 USD 0.99
Hooked On America 4:08 USD 0.99
Hooked On Romance (Pt. 2) 6:41 USD 0.99
Can't Stop the Classics (Pt. 2 6:31 USD 0.99
A Night At the Opera 6:04 USD 0.99
Tales of the Vienna Waltz 4:05 USD 0.99
Hooked On Baroque 4:24 USD 0.99
If You Knew Sousa 3:33 USD 0.99
If You Knew Sousa (And Friends 3:05 USD 0.99
Also Sprach Zarathustra 1:16 USD 0.99
Journey Through the Classics 3:56 USD 0.99
Hooked On Haydn 2:57 USD 0.99
Hooked On Romance, Op. 3 4:22 USD 0.99
Viva Vivaldi 4:06 USD 0.99
Dance of the Furies 3:34 USD 0.99
Scotland the Brave (Hookery Ji 3:56 USD 0.99
Journey Through the Classics ( 4:01 USD 0.99
Journey Through America 3:29 USD 0.99
Hooked On Marching 3:16 USD 0.99
Symphony of the Seas 2:52 USD 0.99
Hooked On Rodgers & Hammerstei 3:40 USD 0.99
Hooked On Classics Collection - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Cover Album Hooked On Classics Collection - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra


  • Great Album
    By Respiir
    USD 11.99 for this album? It's not expensive.
  • Really wonderful
    By Mary Narwhal
    I never would have heard of half this music before if 'Hooked' had not uncovered this for me. For instance "Dance of the Furies" was so wonderful that I sought out the original version, which opened up a whole new wonder for me. I also enjoy these songs as face paced workouts which I find quite fun. Please don't have a closed mind to these. Give them some time. They're great at what they do!
  • hooked vs purist
    By enjoyingmusic
    I would never have been a classical music fan. These albums exposed me to classical music and got me curious to hear the original stuff and surprisingly found them wonderful. So I can say I enjoy rock, rap, country, and the classics.
  • Hooked on classics
    Brings back wonderful memories of the 80's, driving with my two sons, with this music BLASTING from the cassette player in my Cresseda, Toyota!!! :)
  • A twist on classics that keeps you hooked
    By and pine for what is not...
    I am so glad this collection made it to iTunes. My dad had the vinyl and played them when I was in primary school. It's a good mix of techno rhythms and classical masterpieces. If you are a purist, just open your mind and ears and enjoy.
  • Happy this album is on iTunes
    By nyles grandpa
    I had all of the Hooked On Classic cassett tapes in the 80's and listen to them while in my sewing room or on the treadmill. My kids grew up listening to them in the car. I have an 11 year old grandson that is musically inclined and showing an appreciation of Classical music. Besides being delighted to get this music on my iPod, I am sending my Wyatt a iTunes gift card ( I bet his mother will like hearing these classics again)
  • Long lost fun
    By Plmnk
    Oh my goodness, I remember listening to this with my mum when I was young. This was my first introduction to classical music and as a kid I loved it, never realizing it was classical music. This is such a fun album! I thought of this album while I was searching for something else; the image of the album flashed in my mind, I used to stare at the pretty colours while listening. I am so happy iTunes has it. As I am downloading the songs I am humming and whistling along, I remember every song. What a trip down memory lane! A new iTouch with this album will be a perfect gift for my mum, I am sure she has not heard this album in years.
  • Where's Your Sense Of Fun?
    By Speedbird 777
    I can't believe the po-faced "devoid of any true musical worth" review at the top of the page. Obviously written by someone with a ludicrously elitist view of the world. Hooked on Classics and its follow-ups introduced thousands of people to classical music for the first time, in a fun way, and encouraged them to explore the conventional recordings. Hooked on Classics is a great piece of musical heritage recorded by one of the world's greatest orchestras. This is MEANT to be fun; it is MEANT to be tongue-in-cheek. What is there not to love?
  • I heard it on American top40
    By Mbrown10123
    Ever since then I love it
  • Best Workout Music Ever!!
    By FilmBuffy
    If you pride yourself on being a purist, this music is probably not for you. I, for one, have yet to find a better album to grind out a good cardio workout to. Each piece tells a story, is recognizable, has a strong beat and (unlike most pop music) never gets old! My dad used to play this when I was a kid so I have a little nostalgia attached as well. These arrangements make classical music fun and accessible.