American Teen (Music from the Motion Picture) - Various Artists

American Teen (Music from the Motion Picture)

Various Artists

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Release Date: 2008-07-15
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 15



Title Artist Time
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfr 3:37 USD 1.29
Great DJ 3:23 USD 1.29
Dawn of the Dead 3:26 USD 1.29
Kids 5:03 USD 1.29
American Teen (Music from the Motion Picture) - Various Artists
Cover Album American Teen (Music from the Motion Picture) - Various Artists


  • this is bullsh--!!
    By golden girl 88
    Why should I have to download this whole album for one song "LOVE IS IN THE AIR"? the rest of these tunes are average at best, while this song is a CLASSIC. Not cool ITunes!
  • A Real Shame...
    By NicoisRico
    That's it you loose your customer for too much Album Only Poop....
  • Album Only Overload
    By cuttybce
    You guys are killing me with this whole "Album only" nonsense. I thought the whole point of iTunes was to encourage sales of individual songs. Are you so hard up to milk out that extra nickel that you have to do this?
  • Album only strikes again
    By julgator
    So, once again, Apple can't just be satisfied with customers wanting to buy only ONE SONG. . . pathetic.
  • Frou
    By Brazdle
    It seems like a pretty decent CD, I just wish that the Breathe In remix wasn't album only. :[
  • Love Is NOT In The Air...or at least NOT on MY iTunes playlist!!!!
    By beach girl
    I think it's a crying shame that I have to buy this whole C.D. just to get the ONE song I have been waiting for iTunes to FINALLY offer!!!! I have alREADY bought MOST of these songs off of OTHER C.D.s from iTunes!!!! What a RipOff!!!!! Come on iTunes. You HAVE a C.D. by John Paul Young...why not just offer this song on one of HIS?!! ANYthing for MONEY!!!!!
  • bad movie, good music
    By fezfrascati
    So I saw an advanced screening of this movie at my school. Thought it horrible because there was no way it was entirely realistic and I felt no sympathy for the characters. But that's not relevant. What IS relevant is the music... and it is really good alternative music. I recommend listening.
  • Finally They Include Real Music...
    By kiratotherescue
    Finally they included some good music! Great DJ is the best dance song ever! And Black Kids are kool, 2. :D
  • Total Rip Off
    By Synyster Gates = <3
    No, this isn't a rip off of Juno. It's a rip off of The Breakfast Club. Did any of you even see the poster? It's the exact same thing. And come on, a jock, cheerleader, band geek, girl who keeps to herself? Does that not sound like they are trying to rip off one of the best movies of 1985? Click YES if you agree.
  • I'ts a Documentary
    By quikkguy
    This is not a Juno rip off, this is a documentary about teens in a average town in the USA.