Dark Thrones and Black Flags - Darkthrone

Dark Thrones and Black Flags


  • Genre: Metal
  • Release Date: 2008-10-20
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2008 Peaceville Records


Title Artist Time
The Winds They Called the Dung 3:52 USD 1.29
Death of All Oaths (Oath Minus 4:16 USD 1.29
Hiking Metal Punks 3:21 USD 1.29
Blacksmith of the North (Keep 3:13 USD 1.29
Norway In September 5:46 USD 1.29
Grizzly Trade 4:16 USD 1.29
Hanging Out In Haiger 3:22 USD 1.29
Dark Thrones and Black Flags 2:24 USD 1.29
Launchpad to Nothingness 4:31 USD 1.29
Witch Ghetto 3:56 USD 1.29
Dark Thrones and Black Flags - Darkthrone
Cover Album Dark Thrones and Black Flags - Darkthrone


  • Oh no...
    By one33
    I was really disapointed when I heard this. Translvanian Hunger was the first album I heard of Black Metal ever and I thought it was amazing. This is a huge change in musical style I think when your one of the founders of Black Metal you need to say that way and become future inspiration for the next kids wanting to play that music (third wave). It's like Slayer VI 6 Six said, I'll be here when/if you decide to play real metal, until then goodbye.
  • behemoth
    By behemothofthedeep
    ok so if you are a black metal fan i think this a grand album just because you know that the origins of black metal are punk rock. so really they didnt sell out or change they just went to the roots
  • Missing the Point?
    By Zomby
    This is a great record by a great band. Who cares if the little weenie 'Black Metal Warriors' don't like it.
  • interesting
    By Ansom666
    my favorite Darkthrone album is without a doubt The Cult is Alive. But i enjoy Darkthrone from all of their eras. This was an interesting album. VERY experimental, but still fun. Better than FOAD.
  • for those who dislike the newest Darkthrone
    By Lord Acid
    yes. they were truly black metal back in the 90's. and thanks for the other reviews that talked about the roots of black metal. and i do believe there is a reason for them changing. After Euronymous died, Varg's actions were known through all of norway, resulting in bands such as Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir forming. the death of euronymous drew attention to these "false black metal" bands, and thus turning black metal mainstream because of these newer bands. Nocturno and Fenriz (Fenriz mostly) never liked putting Darkthrone in the spotlight (hence they avoided many interviews and stopped playing live. they also have stuck with a D.I.Y. label to release their later albums if Peaceville would try to talk them out of it.) Black Metal altogether wasnt what it used to be, so instead of the media possibly targeting Darkthrone and then ending up like Immortal or some other mainstream band (which wouldnt happen anyway,) they started playing Crust Punk (with black metal influences) because crust was the one genre of music not corrupted by the media (which i am extremely glad for!!!), and they probably just didnt want to take part in the now corrupted black metal scene. Now this is my guess, so dont hold me to this, and for those who dont like the change then dont listen to the newer albums, and dont hate them for it. personally, this is one of the better albums that Darkthrone has released (my opinion) and as a heavy listener of both true Black Metal and Crust Punks, i definetly recommend this album!!!!!!!
  • Back to the roots of Black Metal!
    By The Infinite Soundtrack To My Life
    For all of you people rating this low because it's "punk" and not "black metal." You must not know anything about Black Metal! Black Metal is derived from Crust Punk. Saying Punk and Black Metal don't mix is like saying Blues and Metal don't mix! In other words, IT DOES! Blacksmith of the north, Oath Minus, and Grizzly Trade are my favorite songs! Hooray for Coockie Monster on vocals lol!
  • god I hate this
    By bloodtyrant
    Wow I herd from others that this album just totaly bombed and that they changed their style to like punk mixed with black metal but I thought that people were just screwing with me. I only needed to listen to the first track to come to the conclusion that those people were right. First off I have always thought of punk as stupid talentless crap. Second a band that has been playing a very strict distingushed sound for almost 15 years just dosen't do this. Its stupid, did they actualy think that the lifelong Darkthrone fans and TRUE black metal warriors were going to embrace this? If Euronomyous was still alive he probibly would of killed himself by now, unbeliveable. Black Metal is dying sadly and its being killed from within the scene by bands pulling this stuff and idiot people who used to hate Black Metal all of a sudden taking a liking to Black Metal bands as soon as they come out with a commercial mainstream sounding album. It makes me sick !!!!
  • evolution
    By crymassachusetts
    one of the best albums of last year- continues darkthrone's progression from black metal to something all together uniquely their own, with an ear to the past. true black metal? always irreverent!
  • No Longer Black Metal
    By SubjectAlpha100
    This album was a big disappointment. In their earlier days Darkthrone was one of the most black Black Metal bands in the world. Now they've reduced themselves to playing punk. If you want to listen to some great Darkthrone you must listen to their earlier works such as Transilvanian Hunger or Panzerfaust.
  • Roots
    By Jasonheartsmanga
    Even though the term "true" was used, “Talented People” must know nothing of Black Metal. Punk and Black Metal go hand and hand since Black Metal's earliest pioneers and originators admittedly drew heavy influence from early Street and Crust Punk bands, that being said; Darkthrone is really going back in time with this album in terms of it’s themes and delivery. If stated, I could easily believe "Dark Thrones and Black Flags" is a demo from the period after "Blackdeath" but before "Soulside Journey," but that's just silly. :-) Being a huge fan of early punk (The Last Resort, Reagan Youth, 7 Seconds) as well as Black Metal; the overall feel to this album is truly amazing. The best way to describe it is, it's like Black Metal's take on drunken rebel anthems and sing-a-longs as seen through the eyes of Darkthrone. The songs are fast, cocky and extremely crusty in the way that we've become accustomed to from Darkthrone. The one thing that keeps this from being a 5 star review are the vocals, while I can easily get into the "Evil Lemmy" delivery on the album, I really miss the tortured screams found on classic Darkthrone songs such as "Quintessence" or "Crossing the Triangle of Flames." For me, that was a huge part of Darkthrone's essence, it made the music that much more cold and atmospheric as compared to the other bands in the scene. Don’t get me wrong, the vocals on this album go well with what DT is trying to convey and make this an awesome “tribute” to their dirty, punk roots; I just miss Nocturno’s former and "tortured" vocal glory.