Car Alarm (Bonus Track Version) - The Sea and Cake

Car Alarm (Bonus Track Version)

The Sea and Cake

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2008-10-21
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 14

  • ℗ 2008 Thrill Jockey Records


Title Artist Time
Aerial 4:18 USD 0.99
A Fuller Moon 4:08 USD 0.99
On a Letter 3:45 USD 0.99
CMS Sequence 1:06 USD 0.99
Car Alarm 3:16 USD 0.99
Weekend 2:42 USD 0.99
New Schools 3:33 USD 0.99
Window Sills 3:43 USD 0.99
Down In the City 3:25 USD 0.99
Pages 3:58 USD 0.99
The Staircase 2:59 USD 0.99
Mirrors 1:37 USD 0.99
Also Ran (Bonus Track) 2:58 USD 0.99
Community Tour (Bonus Track) 3:39 USD 0.99
Car Alarm (Bonus Track Version) - The Sea and Cake
Cover Album Car Alarm (Bonus Track Version) - The Sea and Cake


  • success on great album!
    By 24/7 Computer Guy
    "on the letter" is my fave song! this is what I call rock genre music. LETS-GO THE SEA AND CAKE LETS-GO WOO-WOO!
  • Jazz??
    By tbowles
    This is bushwa. And the references to jazz - WTF? No need to name-drop a bunch of jazz artists, a little homework will show that this can't be compared to jazz on any level.
  • An Album Best Listened To on Random
    By Radixius
    As recent to the Sea and Cake scene as I am, having just found out about them on Pandora about a year ago, I was instantly hooked, the catchy, melodic sounds from albums like Oui and The Biz caught my attention, and formed a love of this lighter pop music from my Minus the Bear preenings I was more attracted to previously. After loving Everybody and its accompanying EP Anybody for the stripped down, direct sound, I was a little worried that they were reverting back to the sounds of Oui and treading old ground when I saw the video for Weekend a couple months back. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded, they mixed the simplicity of Everybody with the technical direction of their previous releases for this album. There are plenty of catchy songs, to note are A Fuller Moon, On a Letter and The Staircase which stick out in my mind, but many of the songs sound very similar, and I found myself enjoying the album more when it was meshing with other songs in my library. It's a great effort, and while it can surely be enjoyed on its own, it might be considered by some listeners to be too repetitive.
  • Back on track
    By mkb3
    This is their best effort in a while. I think they really peaked at Oui. The Fawn was quality, but everything after that was just average for them until this effort. They really jam with energy in this one and have some added electronic jems.
  • sigh...yet ANOTHER really good sea & cake record
    By peter w!
    do they ever tire of writing consistently charming, breezy, subtly innovative, fantastic, yacht jams? i'm always wondering if they're going to jack the ball on that one (push glasses up nose), but they keep nailing them out of the park. don't know if this is a common experience, but i always find that their records take some warming up to, but i just know now that it's always going to hit me 100% sooner or later. and hey... leave 64bdawg alone, he's like, TOTALLY the 4th reviewer! that stuff matters to an adult. if it wasn't for him or her, i might've TOTALY picked up that WHINEY Jonas brothers record she gave one star to in another review, so, you know, thanks for that. see ya on "xbox live" making homophobic/racist quips and south park references!
  • girls
    By MixxxMasterMatt
    more wuss rock.
  • Powerfully Subtle
    By makethemusic
    This record went over my head until I heard "Weekend" Then I said OK there on to something let me just listen...then it clicked. Sam is the master of candance. This album is like clouds resting on heavier air. Keep listening it will click.
  • Nice mix of old and new styles
    By srwilco
    The Sea and Cake's last release, Everyone, definitely had a more stripped-down feel than previous outings. On this release, The Sea and Cake have augmented that more direct sound with the smoothness of past albums. I especially appreciate the song A Fuller Moon--a nice, catchy song that has a soft, rhythmic pulse to it. I like this direction that they are headed in, though at times it can be a bit too accessible. Overall a very nice effort!
  • More of the same, which is still good
    By Chitown Baron
    As an avid fan, I was excited to hear that Sea and Cake was coming out with another new album. I listened to the entire album a couple of times and was left a little puzzled. Where were the standout songs that I was use to on other albums? Car Alarm carries the same Sea and Cake sound throughout but I felt that the songs really started to sound alike and much like previous albums, which was very discouraging. Given how long the album is, the songs needed to be more creative. Regardless, there were still some good songs: On a Letter, Weekend, The Staircase, and Community Tour. The Sea and Cake is my favorite band and will remain this way, but this album left much to be desired.
  • tute tute
    By nightenday
    I've been a Sea & Cake since they formed out of the ashes of the Cocktails. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of new ground here, but then again who says there has to be. Some songs sound eerily similar to past output. You have to be a good listener. A band of metro sexuals, for suave metro sexuals or something like that. Goes nicely with a contempory loft space. Someone once said to me that you have to be too cool for school to like this type of high brow pop, really it's just music and enjoyable at that. Masters degree not necessary.