Token Tales - Mark Rapp

Token Tales

Mark Rapp

  • Genre: Jazz
  • Release Date: 2009-02-17
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2009 Mark Rapp Music


Title Artist Time
Who's the Man? 2:59 USD 0.99
'Nuff Time 4:59 USD 0.99
Thank You 4:44 USD 0.99
Mr. Tricky 3:40 USD 0.99
Cissy Strut 5:43 USD 0.99
Token Tales 4:30 USD 0.99
Incense and Peppermints 4:47 USD 0.99
1st Minute, 1st Round 2:45 USD 0.99
My Place 6:10 USD 0.99
It Should Be 3:02 USD 0.99
What Was 4:59 USD 0.99
Sweet Serene 6:41 USD 0.99
Token Tales - Mark Rapp
Cover Album Token Tales - Mark Rapp


    If Mark Rapp is the new voice of jazz, I’m definitely listening. His debut CD will be out in early 2009 and I would strongly suggest that you check it out. Rapp was named one of the “top emerging jazz trumpeters” by Downbeat Magazine in 2007; after hearing his work on this CD, tentatively called Token Tales, it’s difficult to disagree. He plays his instrument with flair, passion and, it seems, a self-assured and downright sarcastic air. He knows exactly where he’s going with a song and exactly how he wants it to sound. He not only plays with precision, but with tenderness, too. For example, “Token Tales” adroitly taps somber and sad feelings with that gentle trumpet. Other standout tracks were “Incense and Peppermints” where his trumpet easily replaced the lead vocals. “Thank You” has a well paced rhythm. In addition to trumpet, Rapp also plays the Australian didgeridoo. This provides some fascinating substance to the record. He plays with energy and it’s refreshing compared to some of the dry precision I’ve heard in jazz of late. Not that Rapp doesn’t have talent or precision but he focuses on the groove of the music. And it sure does groove. This is jazz the way it should be, alive and vibrant. Jamie Reynolds plays piano, Gavin Fallow is the bassist and Kyle Struve finishes out the lineup on drums. An outstanding band and a great CD. GRAY HUNTER
  • "Strong original compositions and well-chosen covers"-Spiralfrog
    By Jazz777
    A mature player with his feet set in both traditional jazz and modern groove playing, the South Carolinian weaves innovative lines over a set of strong original compositions and well-chosen covers. And having marquee looks doesn't hurt, either. -Spiralfrog
  • Amazing Musician makes amazing CD!
    By just1nsanity
    Mark Rapp has an amazing sound! Unmatched and unique compared to the current roster of up and coming jazz musicians. Simply put, the cd is fantastic! Rapp is absolutely poised for stardom!
  • Mark Rapp Brings Fresh Ideas to Jazz With His New Album
    By TriTonesRUS
    Mark Rapp is a young, up and coming trumpeter who seems to have found his footing in a sound that can best be described as soul jazz. On his new album, Token Tales, Rapp displays his knack for producing crisp melodic lines with both flair and a down-to-earth sensibility that intuitively gets the listener grooving. He knows just when to build momentum and expand the boundaries of improvisation. His tone is street wise and hip, but elegant enough to get nods from both novice and experienced audiences. Rapp can just as easily turn up the heat and then turn inward to radiate an ember glow. He weaves in global influences through his skillful playing of the Australian didgeridoo, a reminder that the world is increasingly a smaller place where there is no room for purists in music. In composition and playing, Rapp is a revelation and one of many young innovators who hold a key to the future of jazz in the present tense. In one word, Token Tales is ALIVE. by LISSETTE CORSA Global Groove Connection
  • Great Young Artist!
    By seeley23
    I've been amazed watching Mark Rapp's career develop over the last several years. I've experienced his live performances in NYC, jams with Darius & Hootie at the House of Blues and gigs with Branford Marsalis at Southern Exposure in SC. This kid has the talent and work ethic of legends of the past. I've been waiting for years for this debut album and Token Tales doesn't disappoint!