Outer South - Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band

Outer South

Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2009-05-05
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 16

  • ℗ 2009 Merge Records


Title Artist Time
Slowly (Oh So Slowly) 3:34 USD 0.99
To All the Lights In the Windo 5:42 USD 0.99
Big Black Nothing 3:39 USD 0.99
Air Mattress 2:13 USD 0.99
Cabbage Town 3:50 USD 0.99
Ten Women 3:22 USD 0.99
Difference Is Time 5:36 USD 0.99
Nikorette 4:11 USD 0.99
White Shoes 5:50 USD 0.99
Bloodline 4:07 USD 0.99
Spoiled 3:16 USD 0.99
Worldwide 3:31 USD 0.99
Roosevelt Room 5:02 USD 0.99
Eagle On a Pole 4:38 USD 0.99
I Got the Reason 7:15 USD 0.99
Snake Hill 4:15 USD 0.99
Outer South - Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band
Cover Album Outer South - Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band


  • Where's Breezy??
    By mattsmith23432
    I thought it was going to be on here :(
  • listen, I don't like conor oberst, or bright eyes, BUT this is really good stuff
    By SleeperWolf1972
    Listen, I'm not a big fan of Bright Eyes, I think Oberst isn't as original as people give him credit for, and the majority time I hate his voice. With that being said...this is one of the greatest albums of 2009. It DOES NOT sound liek bright eyes in any way. Oberst sounds more mature, and yet manages to keep a youthful luster in this album. It's mixed with folk, country, and even some synth on Air Matress. I really like that it wasn't just Oberst who wrote songs for this album, but it was a whole band effort. 5 Stars.
  • yes please
    By mandyyy2303
    Sure, its not the typical sound of Bright Eyes but thats the point. Conor wanted to do something new and refreshing to his sound and he and The Mystic Valley Band did just that. Its not Bright Eyes, but it has Conor written all over it and that always sounds nice... ;)
  • I Know There Are Alot of Reviews, but...
    By mandobanjobass
    This record is very listenable and very enjoyable, perfect music for a drive. No it is not Bright Eyes, but it does have momments that are very close. Use this record as a "gateway" to turn other folks on to other great music. I have already had this happen since I purchased a copy, so it does work at getting people outside of the mainstream.
  • is there any type of music he can't do?
    By sebast975
    electronica, country, rock, folk/americana...this guy's talents are seemingly limitless. "big black nothing" and "nikorette" are great, but get the whole album...it's a journey that pays off.
  • I want my $12 back
    By Yillybean
    I was excited to see C.O. back with a new album, but was sorely let down by this one. I listened to it once and now I use the cd case as a coaster - which I guess means it wasn't a total waste of time and money. Seriously though, I don't know why he even bothered to release an album when in the end it sounded like this one. It doesn't even make good background noise, and the lyrics are laughable.
  • Give it a chance before you bash it.
    By Та Девотчка
    So many of the negative reviews complain that this isn't Bright Eyes... That's just it, though. This is Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band, NOT Bright Eyes. I am a huge Bright Eyes fan, but I wasn't too quick to judge the album. If you're coming straight from Bright Eyes to this album, you may be taken aback by this. It is NOT Bright Eyes, but Conor Oberst is still there. It's a different sound, but once I listened to the album a few times all the way through, it began to grow on me. It isn't the most brilliant thing I've ever heard, but it is definitely a good foundation for what's to come from this band later on. If you keep an open mind and really enjoy Conor Oberst's work, listen to this album. Just stop lamenting that it isn't Bright Eyes because it isn't-- it's Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band. They're not the same, so stop complaining that they're different. Have an open mind.
  • Conor Oberst does it again.
    By Kevinciviced7
    First of all I consider myself a pretty big Conor Oberst fan no matter what band he's in. I first started listening to Bright Eyes back in High School around 03-04 listening to Fevers & Mirrors (great album). I loved his shakey voice and how every song was beautifully written. I soon after bought every Bright Eyes album after it and even saw him live in 2005 during the Digital Ash tour which was amazingly epic. Fast forward to 2008, Conor Oberst wanted to make a solo album and gathered some friends to record in Mexico. Who would've known this would have turned in to a band. The first album by the band (Conor Oberst) was great. This album is a lot longer and more varied. However it is NOT Bright Eyes so don't try to go into it expecting an album full of sad songs. This album is very upbeat most of the time and sounds like country/folk/rock&roll. I personally love all the organs. I reccommend this album to anyone who enjoyed the first MVB effort and anyone just looking for a great great album that doesn't die with repeated listens.
    By anynamus
    saw him with deep sea diver and the royal family at toads place. Conor is better live than he is on cd. So much energy and stage presence he will blow you away. highly reccomend seeing him,
  • Caught Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band live
    By DJHeavyD
    Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band opened for Wilco at Wolftrap, VA (7/8/2009). I liked what I heard and I came home and bought the album. Perhaps he greatest compliment I can give is that they are an excellent choice to open for Wilco. Listening to the album I hear music in the tradition of The Band, Van Morrison, and Wilco. In the live venue it seemed to me that I was hearing faint echos of the clash in Conor's vocals.