Change Is Now: Renewing America's Promise - Various Artists

Change Is Now: Renewing America's Promise

Various Artists

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2009-04-28
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 20

  • ℗ 2009 Hidden Beach


Title Artist Time
It's a New Day (With Barack Ob 4:00 USD Album Only
The Dream Is Real (With Barack 3:44 USD 0.99
All About the Love Again 5:34 USD Album Only
Can't Stop (With Barack Obama 2:55 USD Album Only
Peace Be Upon Us 4:22 USD Album Only
There's Hope 3:53 USD Album Only
God Is In the People (With Bar 2:04 USD Album Only
Change (With Barack Obama Spee 5:32 USD Album Only
Dreamworld 4:34 USD Album Only
Pure Imagination (With Barack 4:29 USD Album Only
Hush (With Barack Obama Speech 3:17 USD Album Only
Born for This 5:26 USD Album Only
What Light 3:34 USD Album Only
Shed a Little Light 3:51 USD Album Only
The Star Spangled Banner 3:08 USD Album Only
Eternity (David Foster Live St 4:55 USD Album Only
Grapevine Fires 4:08 USD Album Only
Changes 4:00 USD Album Only
All About the Love Again (New 4:02 USD 0.99
All About the Love Again 3:55 USD Album Only
Change Is Now: Renewing America's Promise - Various Artists
Cover Album Change Is Now: Renewing America's Promise - Various Artists


  • No
    By JRMOR1212
    I only bought this just to get Maroon 5's pure imagination but they seem to kinda ruin it with the Obama speech.
  • Only got this album for the maroon 5 cover
    By David LeBow
    And It didn't even download, iTunes... Why dude
  • Vote Obama OUT!
    By Jason Robinson
    This is sick, I am proud that our country could elect the first black president but just because he is black doesn't mean he can't fail! That is exactly what he has done FAILED, it just the plane hard Truth. Use the power of your vote and let him know we are ready for someone else. Some one that doesn't feel the need to apologize for us all the time or is willing to step aside and not lead on important issues but let others take the political risk and fall.
  • lame.
    By camilleplem
    why did you have to ruin adam levine's gorgeous version of "pure imagination" by adding stupid obama quotes??? lame sauce.
  • LOVE the message...sad to see how hateful people are
    By SB78
    I enjoy listening to music that inspires and encourages others. It's a relief to hear positive messages when we live in a world of hate...Just read MOST of the reviews...I don't understand why so many people are leaving hateful reviews. If you do not like President Obama then don't listen to the songs written for him & keep your nasty comments to yourself...nobody cares...I'd rather continue to Hope for change then be miserable and negative everyday...that is such a sad way to waste this gift we call life.
  • Old enough to know
    By whateveryggfieufhuhewufhuewhfu
    People im 13 and old enough to know that you need to get your heads outta your butts and judge the music not the pres. And they say kids are immature !
  • Eerily similar to 40s-50s Stalin propaganda
    By Nujazz Connoisseur
    This review was written a year ago. Now do you believe me? We have had Anita Dunn and radicals like Van Jones resigning because their dirty laundry was publicly exposed. What am I going to be adding to this space a year from now? That Nancy Pelosi's $$$ machine has helped defeat Michele Bachmann's re-election? That (un)healthcare reform has been passed? That there are increasing numbers of RINOs like McShame and Brown (stabbing us in the back a month after he was elected)? Don 't let this happen in your country. Vote for the right people in Nov 2010. Simply google "Soviet-era government media-driven Stalin edification through song, film, theatre and school textbooks." You will learn something. What is really ironic is these artists -- by themselves -- are good artists (except for Melissa Etheridge, who is obviously here for her "gay" stance). It is sad that the black artists would be lumped together with the so-called "gay" artists to show some kind of a need for "change" -- obviously for a more "just" world. (Of course, as long as it doesn't have those Bible-thumping right-wing extremists in it). Good term for these people comes right from Lenin himself -- "Useful Idiots." Now, Hidden Beach -- can we get back to songs about why we love this country for what it is? Jill Scott -- are YOU writing about this? UPDATE 2 days later: I am a pleasantly surprised by the preponderance of 1-star reviews. It actually gives me "real hope" there are thinking people left in the US -- people who aren't easily dooped by Globama. (Hi, Laura!)
  • Nope
    By Captain America77
    For all you idiotic messiah Obama lovers. Well I am one of the people and this joker hasn't done anything for me or anyone I know? You say HOPE i say NOPE! this guy is a freaky ego maniac! I bet he is crying like the sore looser socialist he is now that our boy Scott Brown won Mass.!!! For you uneducated liberals. Before Pres. Bush we had a TON OF DEBT!! The only time in U.S history that we were debt free was with President Andrew Jackson. you commie freaks would know that if you would stop trying to re-write all the history books. For the other mindless liberals; you keep talking about how this is iTunes and to stop ranting about politics, when really that's all you've done in your own review!!?? You, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, George Soros, and Karl Marx can go live on an island by yourselves and figure out how you all like your change. Maybe you can set up an alter to your god Obama and jerimiah wright!! Stop idolizing the worst president in U.S history, it's annoying listening to you morons. You commies think your all so smart and educated.. Its more than music you idiots, its belief. At the core of every true American is a place that longs for freedom, and all you idiots want to do is take that freedom and enslave all that oppose your distorted views on life and freedom!! Enough with all of you, we are waking up. You all claim to be so tolerate and yet you are least tolerate people on earth! God bless America. If you don't like it go away!! I hear China is looking for idiots like you to join there cause over there..
  • Some cool music
    By BeachhGirl
    I don't understand why so many people dislike this album. Regardless of your potitical beliefs, take it for what it is - some cool new tunes by legendary artists. My particular favorite is All About the Love Again. I saw Stevie perform this on Ellen and was hooked. Great little album.
    By Zerofret
    Seriously? a whole album for Obama's so called "hope & Change"..... have any of u noticed all the mistakes hes been making, STUPID MISTAKES? healthcare, plane flying 2 low 2 ground scaring the heckout of everybody, turning his back on Israel?!!!, ughhghgg makes me sick!!!!!!!!!! I wanna ask a question....... Do the people who voted for him think hes such a hot rock star now?!!!!!! plus have any of you noticed how much money he has wasted ON HIMSELF?!!!! trips to Paris for his daughter. letting michelle obama go on a shopping spree in London?! serious?!! wut happend to cutting spending??? Obamas a joke. WHO AGREES WITH ME?!?!?