Nova's Dream - Aldo Nova

Nova's Dream

Aldo Nova

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1997-11-18
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 18

  • ℗ 2009 Chacra Music courtesy of BFM Digital


Title Artist Time
My Soul to Keep 0:55 USD 0.99
Is Anybody There? 3:35 USD 0.99
Dreamwalk 4:01 USD 0.99
Are You Inexperienced? 1:46 USD 0.99
Excuse Me While I Scream!!! 6:30 USD 0.99
The Pressure's Killing Me 1:01 USD 0.99
Pressure Cooker 4:51 USD 0.99
Falling Back / An Angel Whispe 4:32 USD 0.99
Freedom 9:18 USD 0.99
Where Am I Now? 0:22 USD 0.99
Elaye 5:56 USD 0.99
Dada 0:07 USD 0.99
Coming Home 4:38 USD 0.99
Lighting Up 0:09 USD 0.99
Mary Jane 1:50 USD 0.99
Carlito's Way 5:18 USD 0.99
Wake Up!!! 1:02 USD 0.99
The End 6:18 USD 0.99
Nova's Dream - Aldo Nova
Cover Album Nova's Dream - Aldo Nova


  • Love, love, love
    By KneeDeepInTruth
    I don't know why it took me so long to find this release. I have Subject that I love & Twitch which I like most because of the memories with my father enjoying it together. When I foiund this in 2020 I was blown away! It's one of the great albums that takes you on a musical journey that is best listened too in it"s entirety. I think AN knows some stuff. WWG1WGA
  • The Best Ever!
    By sillycar
    This album is the last from a great artist. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with my title, but this guy is my favorite of all time! He is so talented. He currently makes his living writing for other people from what I understand, but even though it's been almost 15 years, I'd still buy any new Aldo Nova album sound unheard! You listening Aldo?, if you need someone to do up a website to help promote a new release, I'll do it for free! I'm sure there are tons of other fans who would buy a new Aldo Nova release even without any record company support, right? Let me know folks. Getting back to the review, this album is great, it has something for everyone who likes music. Period. What a great album! Just listen to the samples. I like the heavier stuff, so my favorite is Pressure Cooker. I also love Dada because it reminds me of my son who says that to me whenever I come up from the basement after working on my own music! The variety of music on this album is insane and showcases Aldo's abilities with many instruments and also recording and engineering abilities... and I personally get pulled into the mood of every song on it, even after owning it since it first came out, I still keep it in heavy rotation on my iPod along with all of Aldo's albums. If you don't have any Aldo Nova albums yet, this is a good place to start, then work your way backwards to the beginning! Update: June 2020. I just noticed Lone Star Rocker's review and wanted to retort. Dearest Lone Star Rocker, I see that you are able to count as you've counted that there are seven tracks here that are "nothing more than interludes and synthesized nonsense" and i just wanted to point out that you forgot to count that that still leaves one more full song than Blood on the Bricks has.... I love Blood on the Bricks too, but I'm mentioning because that was your comparison and your argument about the seven tracks is a joke because they are meant to be just what you called them, "interludes" and they help progress this album. I do think that charging .99 for those interludes separately is a joke, but that is more of an iTunes issue I would think. $9.99 for the full album is definitely the way to go if anyone likes more than two or three of theses samples... Lone Star Rocker, I say to you that I think you are missing the point of this one. It is not meant to be Fantasy continued or Blood on the Bricks continued. Aldo made this one for himself in his own studio and it is meant to be a tribute to all the artists that inspired him. For example Carlito's Way is a tribute to Carlos Santana and it is a very eloquent tribute indeed. The guitar work on this album and the instrumental writing here is ridiculously good and will speak to anyone who can appreciate that and if listened to all the way through as an album, it is very enjoyable for me and I would guess a lot of others too... I am an Aldo Nova fanboy for sure but I don't blindly give 5 stars to everything he does. For example his 2.0 record does not really speak to me at all. Not because it isn't the same as the original work, but because it just feels a little flat to me overall (I think a couple of the new versions are great). I would give that album three stars. I would give five stars to Blood on the Bricks too for your reference, but I think it is totally unfair to compare the two albums as they are totally different in style. I think giving one star to this album is also unfair on your part. Maybe give it a listen as a full album twice and then see if you feel any different.... Also, since I'm updating here in 2020 I need to address that this is not the last album from Aldo! A new one is coming! The Life and Times of Eddie Gage and the first track is currently available on iTunes - "When All is Said and Done". a nice rocker that maybe you, Lone Star Rocker, might like better too :) I can't wait to hear that full concept album, but there may be "interludes and synthesized nonsense" tracks.... I'm ok with that ;)
  • Five Stars, Seriously??????
    By Lone Star Rocker
    Okay people lets be real here. How can you give this 5 stars compared to Blood On The Bricks???? What would you give that, 12 stars???? This album is a freaking joke! There are 7 tracks here that are nothing more than interludes and synthesized nonsense. There is nothing with intensity, an Aldo Nova trademark I might add. Aldo is an amazing talent but this album should never have been released. I have never trashed an artist I like, especially one who I have been listening to for 20+ years, but this is awful and cannot be compared to anything he has released prior. Five stars, seriously????
  • This Rules!!!!!!
    By GuitarDinger
    Aldo shines on this. He is a true artist. If you enjoy his instrumental nuances from his past this is for you. I hope he does part 2 soon.
  • Awesome!!
    By SpiritualVision
    Finally This Album Is In Itunes. Got To Admit It. I Been Trying To Get This Album!! Thanks!!