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  • Is it the coming of age LP for the MCR generation?
    By kmountcastle18
    I wonder how older MCR fans relate to this record. For me, the middle and high school angst has matured. In college, American MCR fans get broader perspectives on the country's dysfunctional landscape; beyond the naiveté of teenage melodrama, romantic misadventures, and a prematurely nihillist outlook on life. Simply put, MCR fans in college aren't so self-absorbed. The Monitor's lyrics reflect this maturation. I recall Patrick Stickles speaking about where he was at 17, at the apex of the Iraq War (2003). From what I recall, Bright Eyes was a profound influence on Stickles. I can draw some parallels between Bright Eyes and MCR, though I can't define them right now. More on that later. Fast-forward to 2010, this album is released. I can only wonder how Stickles' mental state changed in those years. The same goes for Gerard Way.... Anyway, these are rambling thoughts I'm having. I just thought I'd write about them here. Cheers!
  • new fan
    By DonAngel89
    I’m just writing a review for this band but god i have to say I’ve been a fan of them for a few years now since this album. I used to listen to mostly chill indie tunes but when i heard this I became an instant fan. I hope to see these guys live in concert soon! the popularity votes on this album show the first track is the best but in my opinion is “a pot in which to piss” But i should add that the album as a whole is BEST. one of the best albums I’ve heard in a long time!
  • You need this in your life
    By crispypennycracker
    On the surface it's a great celtic, civil war inspired battle cry in snarling punk fashion, but after many listens you’ll find it’s so much more. Tremendous.
  • A cacophony
    By Silicondust
    This has been the best album I've picked up since last year. It is a cacophony of rebellious vigor and human love from start to finish.
  • The enemy is everywhere.
    By jonaryn
    The vocals are barely in tune, the drums hardly keep time, the guitars are all kinds of sloppy and it sounds like it was recorded by an amateur in his mother's basement. I love every minute of it. This is quite possibly my favorite album of 2010.
  • Finally an amazing current rock band with heart and balls!
    By tminarchick
    Great album! It feels like an actual album and not just a collection of songs. These guys are worthy children of the early era of The Replacements. If you love this, then do yourself a favor and get "Let It Be", "Hootenanny" and "Sorry Ma Forgot To Take Out The Trash" just for starters.
    By debbyjgarcia
    titus is the best band out there. BUY THIS ALBUM. its amazing. its revival, its timeless. the raw passion in this album is eqivalent to the tenacity of a protester. thank you for the anthem of hope you give us titus andronicus (forever)
  • what a refreshing sound
    By jimm jon do
    nowadays, i feel overtly swamped with electronic indie and the softer melodies of indie-folk. Dont get me wrong... I LOVE both of them and they have their place on my ipod, but, that being said, its just refreshing to hear these angsty punk like vocals and this garage band-ish atmosphere. Their opener is top notch and the rest of the album is definitly worth buying!!!!
  • Glorious
    By comeonboeltsy
    This album blew me away. It has so much emotion and depth, with real, raw energy. I'm not exaggerating when I say it has some of the best lyricism I've ever heard. It is a titan of an album, clocking in at a little over an hour, but every song is worth listening to all the way through. Put this album on and just let it play.
  • Best CD of 2010
    By Ejmct
    Maybe best CD of the past couple years. Great lyrics and plenty loud. It's not for everybody but listen it though a few times before you decide if you like it or not.