The Comet Song - Single - Björk

The Comet Song - Single


  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2010-09-07
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2010 wellhart ltd/one little indian ltd


Title Artist Time
The Comet Song 2:17 USD Album Only
The Comet Song - Single - Björk
Cover Album The Comet Song - Single - Björk


  • Hmm?
    It says "album only" so what album would that be? Where can I buy this?
  • This is just bad
    By Katsotomo
    It's not a matter of not understanding the music or the artist. Sometimes a song is just bad. This is one of those times. A really bad song, really bad.
  • Way too abstract
    By Motivedetroit
    Bjork is still one of my favorites...mostly because of her earlier work. After Vespertine, he work started on a very abstract path. Her music has become so disconected and minimal that I have a hard time listening to it for long. It's no longer beautiful. It's harsh and jarring. It makes me wish she would try something new. Volta was probably the worst album I've ever bought...I tried listening to it over and over, but I never warmed up to it. Sad.
  • Talentless
    By BrianSwaldi
    Please stop Bjork....Just please stop.
  • bjork is...
    By Davepaz
    bjork is amazing! been a fan since I was 13, she is just awsome!
    By Republicans rock!
    pretty lame
  • I miss Bjork
    By brambones
    Afraid I have to agree with DJXS003 ... I miss the Bjork whose music was once weird and gorgeous and genius, all at the same time ... the fresh and fun Debut, the bold and experimental Post, the angry and lush Homogenic, the fragile and poignant Selmasongs, the sexy and intimate Vespertine (still my favorite), the creepy and beautiful Medulla ... and then ... Drawing Restraint 9? What the ... ? It's practically unlistenable. And then ... Volta?! Volta was the first Bjork work that I honestly couldn't say that I liked a single song. I've always defended Bjork to my friends who just didn't get her, and now ... I just don't get her. This "Comet Song" doesn't sound childish to me ... it just sounds BAD, like she's trying too hard to be "out there," and succeeding in that only. I can't imagine anyone actually listening to this song repeatedly and enjoying it. So sorry ... I miss Bjork!!!
  • This is dope
    By Rainierjuarez
    Sounds like a real integration of alot of different styles. This doesn't sound like her other stuff to me, I think her sound is always developing and right now it's moving further away from pop. Maybe that's what people don't like about it.
  • awesomely gorgeous
    By jlop13
    it's bjork, she is innovative and she is the coolest girl in music! NAD TO THE TROLLS/HATERS THIS IS A BENEFITS CHILDREN SONG, FOR A CHILDRENS MOVIE LIGHTEN UP!
  • Why?
    By dadadocta
    When is she gonna make good music again? I've been so exited to see a new bjork release for the last 3 albums and each of them are just awful, why? Where are the huge beats and beautiful melodies?