We Are All Where We Belong - Quiet Company

We Are All Where We Belong

Quiet Company

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2011-10-04
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 17

  • â„— Quiet Company


We Are All Where We Belong - Quiet Company
Cover Album We Are All Where We Belong - Quiet Company


  • Buy this album!
    By Sundancetao
    You should just buy this album and all available music from Quiet Company. These guys are my current favorite group! You will know why if you start listening to them. Quiet Company is the perfect example of a group in todays age that should be selling millions of albums based on talent and outstanding music, but have not yet grasped the attention of the world at large. In Austin, TX and surrounding areas, they are very well known, winning Austin's "rock band of the year" multiple times. Also, look for their new album, Trangsgressor, coming in late February. The tracks I've heard so far are once again, stellar! Like I said, just buy this album and you will be glad you discovered Quiet Company!
  • Great Album
    By MisterChrister1
    I heard about this album on the Friendly Atheist blog, and decided to check it out. I can't believe I hadn't heard of these guys. Their style reminds me of Muse, a bit. I love Progressive Rock like this, and I would recommend this album to anyone struggling with religion or existential questions, or just anyone in general =) 5/5
  • Brilliant!!!!
    By DSKTexas
    Everything I've always felt in a poetic, profound, fist in the air, tear on the cheek revelation. Humanism is alive and in "Quiet Company".
  • Superb Album
    By UnevenBurrito
    Quiet Company really hit it out of the park with this album. Every single song has powerful lyrics that make you think about your liife and its importance every time you listen to this masterpiece. It has energetic and powerful song like "You, Me & the Boatman" and "The Black Sheep & the Shepard" and also meaningful melow pieces like "Everything Louder than Everything Else" The lyrics can also be very bitter and cold depending on which way you take them, but don't think twice about buying this fantastic work of art
  • Conflicted
    By frrstbrwn
    I want to give this four stars because the music is really good, but I just can't get past how bitter and anti-Christian the lyrics are. I realize the singer lost his faith, and that's so sad, but it really just does sound bitter and kind of pretentious most of the time. I know these are questions that a lot of people struggle with, but listening to this album is just kind of depressing. I feel like I just listened to an entire album on the existential dilemma every time I listen to it. Just my personal opinion… Anyway, if you aren't bothered by that, then definitely get this album. The music is good. "You, Me, and the Boatman" is really the only one I can listen to over and over though.
  • The best
    By Ankhurley
    This is my favorite album of the year.
  • Wow!
    By jonsamp
    This album is far and above incredible. The lyrics are genius and have true meaning, and the music is absolutely spectacular. Definitely worth buying, absolutely worth the money.
  • In My Top 25 All Time
    By JimmmmmmmS
    I started listening to this album in November or 2011. You, Me, and the Boatman and The Black Sheep and the Shepherd are already in my 25 Most Played playlist. This includes the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, REM, Led Zeppelin, Queen, etc songs I have been listening to on I tunes for 4 years. Nuff said - instant classic. 10, 15, 20+ years from now I will still listen to QC.
  • "This album Is going down on my top 5 favorite albums of all time"
    By Justin1536
    This album will blow your mind! I have always liked Quiet Company, but this album is going down on to my top 5 favorite albums of all time. I have listened to this album the whole way through more times then I can count! This album will make you think, its lyrically sophisticated and I found every song very relatable. The music varies, so some songs you can chill to and others will rock your balls off. The music is so well put together it makes me want to quit trying to make music out of fear of never making compositions half as good as this. THESE GUYS WILL BE HUGE! Great work all around I look forward to their next release!
  • Amazing!
    By Megan Aune
    I Love this album... but im broke in iTunes right now but when i get money i am going to buy this album first! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! really want to see you in concert!