Survivor - EP - Cade Bittner

Survivor - EP

Cade Bittner

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2012-03-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2012 Cade Bittner


Title Artist Time
Survivor 2:51 USD 0.99
I Don't Wanna See You Again 3:31 USD 0.99
You're Here 3:41 USD 0.99
Down 3:37 USD 0.99
Survivor - EP - Cade Bittner
Cover Album Survivor - EP - Cade Bittner


  • You're Here!!!!
    By Cappie23
    It takes more that blind ambition to put yourself out get up and actually put together, and produce such a personal and inspiring piece of yourself. Music is 90% heart and it's one of the most difficult things one can do. 9 people dream of it, 1 actually does it. This EP inspires me to get off my arse and actually do it for me and not one else. Cade...thank you for your heart and sharing it with us!
  • Great Job!
    By Christey*
    Way to go Cade! Your album sounds amazing! Keep up all the hard work and dedication! :) Christey and Josh
  • A Star is Born!
    By 3Zouzounia
    I have been anxiously anticipating Cade's album for some time. His album, from start to finish, is achingly passionate and he sings with soulful honesty. Cade has a hauntingly beautiful quality to his voice. You can feel his emotion in all of his songs. Can't wait to hear more from this rising star!
  • Inspirational, Touching, Genius
    By MR53954750
    Having just downloaded these tracks, I am still amazed at the rich and natural quality that comes from Cade. These songs and lyrics are clearly from the heart. Having an understanding of the complexities of life has clearly allowed Cade to excel in his music and touch the lives of those that listen. The depth of emotion and true understanding of life's curve balls is showcased in these songs.
  • Impressive. Bought.
    By eddyboy1
    The title track is mournful, powerful and love the sound of his voice. Survivor has become a personal fave. And Down? Hopeful, youthful and damned fine. Where has this guy been?
  • Nice...
    By franklin CASIMANO
    honest pure vocals & not over-produced... it's refreshing- would love to hear more!
  • Dreams
    By Maija Freivalds
    So proud of anyone who follows their dreams. Most of us don't put in the hard work to make them come true, but Cade truly has. Each song tells a story, and the vocals really convey his heartfelt emotion. Bravo on making this dream a reality!
  • Fantastic Voice!
    By kipton cronkite
    When I first hear Cade's voice, I felt his soul and passion for music. This is only his first studio album but it's a fresh sound many will hopefully listen to and buy. You left me wanting more Mr. Bittner! When are you touring in NYC? You should definitely come here soon.
  • Calming...Unique...Fresh
    By Jojita-Conchita
    LoVe iT! It's so tranquilizing and calming to listen too. Thank you for putting this out there for the world to hear. Many people will find these words to be exactly what "they" have been looking for to express real life situations!
  • Enhanting and Just Great!
    By B^Collins
    Dreams Came True.