The Royal Thousand - Glass Cloud

The Royal Thousand

Glass Cloud

  • Genre: Metal
  • Release Date: 2012-07-03
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2012 Equal Vision Records, Inc.


Title Artist Time
White Flag 4:20 USD 1.29
If He Dies, He Dies 3:58 USD 1.29
Falling In Style 3:07 USD 1.29
Ivy & Wine 4:29 USD 1.29
Prelude for a Ghost 1:47 USD 1.29
All Along 4:10 USD 1.29
She Is Well and Nothing Can Be 3:58 USD 1.29
Counting Sheep 3:41 USD 1.29
Memorandum 5:23 USD 1.29
From May to Now 4:52 USD 1.29
The Royal Thousand - Glass Cloud
Cover Album The Royal Thousand - Glass Cloud


  • amazing and well rounded
    By B13turbo
    absolutly a great album from start to finish. not a singe bad song. I loved sky eats airplane and tony danza tapdance extravaganza, but this is above and beyond both. aggressive and catchy you won't be let down!
  • Something old
    By memermurmuddle
    A lot of people are commenting on Jerry but no one has said anything about Travis, He sounds just like the last Tony Danza album which isn't all that bad but If your gonna leave a band and join another shouldn't you try not to repeat yourself. Jerry is ok, I think his screaming sounds a little evolved but the singing still falls flat and seems unnecessary / out of place in some areas.
    By Srowleyx
    i honestly cant get enough of this album. everday i listen to it, it gets me pumped up and ready to go for the day. i constantly sing the lyrics in my head all day this album is well worth it GET THE HARD COPY though because it helps the band more
  • Awesome group of guys and great musicians.
    By Leviticus Xi
    I met these guys at Scream it like you mean it.... It was an amazing first concert of mine and I caught the drummer's drumstick! :D
  • Really awesome sound
    By Wolfkin88
    Some of the best metal music in my opinion.
  • Ouch
    By nuo
    Those cleans in "if he dies, he dies" are so powerful. Haven't been blown away by cleans like these since I first heard Anthony Green and Jonny Craig. Shame he can't sing it live though. When I heard of this lineup I expected Tony Danza Eats Airplane. I did NOT expect it to be this good though.
  • They're going places!
    By jboy22
    Never was too huge on Periphery, I liked their technicality and appreciated their musicianship, but they kinda turned me away from the whole "Djent" thing. Glass cloud, on the other hand, has drawn me back in. I appreciate these guys and enjoy their music! I feel that they'll be huge. P.S- The negative reviews are coming from butthurt sky eats airplane fans.
  • This is amazing!
    By cdubs3498
    These guys are freaking awesome!
  • Awesome band
    By metal is real music
    I saw these guys live and they were just amazing. Towards the end of one of their songs, the bassist gave his bass to the singer and he took the mic and started singing. I met them afterwards and they were all really cool. I got a picture with the singer and drummer. The singer and bassist signed the poster I had. the guitarist is just amazing! he broke a string midway through a song but that didnt slow him down one bit. Simply amazing band. I know this album just came out recently but i can't wait for more material.
  • The future of metal music.
    By Zach Sebastian
    In the past year or two, some crazy things have been happening within the metal sub-genre community. The "cool" thing to do used to be making something as heavy and as brutal as possible. Progressive metal just sort of sat on the back burner. Of course it always had it's core fan base, but not nearly the exposure that it's getting today. A big shift that has happened recently is the merging of this idea. Melodic metal has been around for as long as I can remember, but this is something different entirely. Different elements of different sub-genres of metal and hardcore have come together masterfully to create The Royal Thousand. I had always been a fan of Danza and had heard a few Sky Eats Airplane songs in the past but never really had it click with me. For me to really start following a band, I have to hear an album that just blows me away. Something that takes what's already out there and playing with it and tweaking it until something magical happens. Glass Cloud has hit it on the head. The heavy parts are just heavy enough for me to consider them brutal and the melodic, pretty parts create a contrast defining enough to feel a strong dynamic in the music without making it sound too soft. Nothing drives me more mad than listening to a brutal slamming death metal song and then these awful, overly auto tuned whiny vocals come out of some kid with terrible, pitiful self loathing lyrics. Glass Cloud finds a way to put the cleans in there without taking away from the brutal parts. All in all, the album is very balanced. From the moment I found out about them, I could hear awesome potential. I see Glass Cloud pushing forward within the metal community and quickly. I expect to see them headlining some big tours here in the next year or so.