America - Dan Deacon


Dan Deacon

  • Genre: Electronic
  • Release Date: 2012-08-27
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 9

  • ℗ 2012 Domino Recording Co Ltd


Title Artist Time
Guilford Avenue Bridge 3:51 USD 0.99
True Thrush 4:44 USD 0.99
Lots 2:50 USD 0.99
Prettyboy 5:22 USD 0.99
Crash Jam 4:31 USD 0.99
USA I - Is a Monster 4:43 USD 0.99
USA II - The Great American De 7:10 USD 0.99
USA III - Rail 6:30 USD 0.99
USA IV - Manifest 3:24 USD 0.99
America - Dan Deacon
Cover Album America - Dan Deacon


  • Dope
    By Kawlme nnamdi
    The only people that think negative of this are those who obviously do not get the genre.
    By MMAFT
    Excellent album. He makes magical electronic music. It's brilliantly executed and he just keeps evolving in the best way.
  • I was wrong. It is awesome.
    By knifeandchop
    The electric squeal which starts the set is about the most annoying thing I blast at max volume. Dan Deacon rocks! (Note: This music rewards careful listening. This is music that rewards repeated listens.)
  • Best Ever!
    By BestLissie
    I Love This Album!
  • America
    By triangulartimmy
    I'll be honest: his music isn't for everyone. I sit in the car listening to it and sometimes it hits me how crazy it is, but the feeling is almost immediately eclipsed by sincere gratitude that he makes the music he does. The new album, America, is fantastic. A lot of his music seems built to make people go absolutely insane at shows, and if you've been to one of them you know what I mean. True Thrush is incredible live, and that's where his music really shines. This is a high-energy, crazy album and it's not possible to listen to it without dancing (or at least cracking a huge smile). As an aside, I noticed the other day while I was listening to the USA tracks at the end that Manifest sounds like manifest destiny, if it was to have a sound. Call me crazy, but those last four tracks do a great job capturing the complexity of what it means to be an American with all of the associated history and culture. I love this album.
  • The next step
    By imthebaby468
    It's an amazing album. Deacon is creative and clearly pursues a sound that he wants in his music. This album is decidedly different and progressive, even for this artist. This has established him as a more serious musician, and that's a feat not so easily achieved. It saddens me to see this album get hasty harsh judgement, leading to a bad aggregate score. More people need to hear this. This work obviously demands much more immersion and credit than what is being granted thus far here. This is not a typical album at all, it's an experience.
  • bad Kitaro
    By 888 rk
    or bad vangelis if you wish. the disparate reviews interested me but this is lightweight fluff...
  • Making Real Music
    By zaddu
    I really like the direction Dan Deacon's gone in and not just because there aren't as many cartoonish vocals. This guy can seriously write music. The depth of Deacon's craft surprised me in Bromst, and I love that he's taking it even further here rather than falling back on his crazy cartoonish songs that I'm sure a lot of his fans want him to return to. As a big classical music fan, I love how he uses the orchestra in the USA suite. It reminds me of Philip Glass, but it's definitely still Dan Deacon at its core. I only wish he took it even further and expanded the length of the USA suite to really let it build, while giving it more thematic expansiveness and punch. Still, I love the kind of music he's putting out these days.
  • Not original
    By charmaine gabrielle
    Sounds like a cheaper version of Panda Bear. Not enthused at all
  • Amazing Album. Do not listen to bad Reviews.
    By CorazónValiente
    Seriously this album is amazing. The people who are complaining clearly expect Dan Deacon to produce the same type of music for the rest of his life. He is a very talented guy and has been trained classically. This album is a perfect example of how his talent has a wide range not just one note. If you honestly did not enjoy this stoned, you must be burnt out. That is all I can say or your'e dabbling with low quality bud. Even sober this album is wonderful in so many ways. Sad thing is most people don't realize they probably danced like crazy to all of this music already while he was on tour. Now they hate hearing it on a CD. Amusing what alcohol and being completely oblivious can do for some people. This album reminds me a lot of the band - The Octopus Project. If you do not love The Octopus project you must have very bad taste in music or a great lack of appreciation for that of which is good. Which it appears many of you do by not giving this album the justice it deserves. Bottom Line great album that deserves great reviews. So what if it is different from what he normally does? He is a growing musician not a robot programmed to play the same type of songs over and over.