In the Land of Salvation and Sin - The Georgia Satellites

In the Land of Salvation and Sin

The Georgia Satellites

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 1989-01-01
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 14

  • ℗ 2004 Elektra Entertainment. Manufactured & Marketed by Warner Strategic Marketing


Title Artist Time
I Dunno 3:10 USD 1.29
Bottle O' Tears 3:52 USD 1.29
All Over But the Cryin' 5:10 USD 1.29
Shake That Thing 5:12 USD 1.29
Six Year Gone 3:09 USD 1.29
Games People Play 3:40 USD 1.29
Another Chance 4:33 USD 1.29
Bring Down the Hammer 4:23 USD 1.29
Slaughterhouse 2:47 USD 1.29
Stellazine Blues 4:11 USD 1.29
Sweet Blue Midnight 6:26 USD 1.29
Days Gone By 3:34 USD 1.29
Crazy 3:24 USD 1.29
Dan Takes Five 3:24 USD 1.29
In the Land of Salvation and Sin - The Georgia Satellites
Cover Album In the Land of Salvation and Sin - The Georgia Satellites


  • All Time Unapperciated Album list canididate
    By hsslaw
    Combing a great sloppy garage band hard rock sound with great americana songwriting, this is a great album. I thought it was much better than the first two albums for the depth of the songwriting.
  • Wish Current Rock Bands Did This As Well
    By woodstock14
    After drowning for far too long in the backwash of Coldplay, Fleet Foxes, and other oh so precious bands of this era, I came up for air and a long overdue dose of good old rock n' roll from Dan and the Sats. This album so fills the bill. I love the tributes to the Stones, Faces, Little Feat -- but damn, Dan knows how to put his own spin on it all to get my windows rolled down and the car radio turned to 11. Nothing is watered down, it's all from the heart, and he is still out there doing this great stuff for all of us left to listen. We need you, Dan...see you next time you're in town. Dads, blast this for your kids. They need to know what real rock n' roll sounds like.
  • chsjr1
    By Cheslee
    I concur with the last two guys on their assessments. I only give a four star because I love the GA Satellites first album so much. Check out the song, Red Light, about the p.o.'d chick in the Trans Am. And the cover of Rod Stewart's Every Picture, to the bone crushing Railroad Steel (I need a little bit of Coca Cola and shot of Ron Rico 151) now that's raw rock n roll. As was said before, a bit sloppy, but the best things in life are sloppy! Can you say,Rolling Stones? I love this album too, if it was a double, I'd give it a five for sure, you just got to take in the first helping as well. Also as before, "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" while a great rocking song was sort of like their "Achy Breaky Heart", it just tapped the surface and happened to hit on the radio. I am from Atlanta, so these guys and this type music is in my veins. They were, and still are my "REM"
  • A Musical Influence Tribute Tour de Force
    By Snowesq
    I could try and be really erudite but the "official" review covered all the really important bases. So, this is just one man's viewpoint. I was a big fan of the Sats, loving that slide work even when it was sloppy--like Woody's, it always had a lot of heart. Let me tell you about this album--it got me through my last year of law school, the bar exam (I passed), a divorce, the death of my second wife, long bouts of depression and unemployment and on into yet another marriage and a new life. This one freakin' album IS the soundtrack of a huge chunk of my life. And I'm still listening to it! Now, seriously, how many $9.90 investments have you ever made that pay dividends over a decade and a half! Buy it! But if you only want a couple of songs--in this order--Stellazine Blues, Six Year Gone (esp. if you're going thru a divorce) and Shake That Thing just to reassure yourself that, often, primal drives are the best drives!