Clandestine - Entombed



  • Genre: Metal
  • Release Date: 1991-11-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 9

  • ℗ 1991 Earache Records Ltd


Title Artist Time
Living Dead 4:26 USD 0.99
Sinners Bleed 5:10 USD 0.99
Evilyn 5:05 USD 0.99
Blessed Be 4:46 USD 0.99
Strangers Aeons 3:25 USD 0.99
Chaos Breed 4:52 USD 0.99
Crawl 6:13 USD 0.99
Severe Burns 4:01 USD 0.99
Through the Collonades 5:39 USD 0.99
Clandestine - Entombed
Cover Album Clandestine - Entombed


  • Entombed!!!!!!
    By r8derfan
    This is the best progressive death metal album hands down...too bad L.G wasnt involved with this...overall this is Entombeds best album IMO...Left Hand Path is a close second.
  • One of THE BEST metal albums of all time
    By Pineappl4U
    And I never get tired of listening to it.
  • Perfect album!
    By The Shahnameh
    Too bad they choked after!
  • not bad but done better before
    By racoon220
    There was already another album by another band from sweden released in 1991(same as this album) i felt was did the same style but done a little better:dismember's like an everflowing stream. This album is good don't get me wrong, but the production is too trebly, dismember did this album only better, some of the riffs are standard (though there are also some cool ones), the vocals arn't really my taste (i don't want american eath grunts but i wish the guys voice was a bit deeper and guttural, it sounds like her's talking agressivly) and in my opinion, this album is kind of the same as entombed previous album and first left hand path only slowed down, with slightly better musician ship and better production. Good album but this has been done better on arh enemy's stigmata and dismember's like an everflowing stream.
  • Can't quite understand the fuss.
    By hybrid47
    This album just doesn't compare to Left Hand Path for me. I think I'd have to chalk up my biggest complaint as being the vocals. Lars Petrov is just a sick DM vocalist and his LHP performance is godly. Nicke Anderrson is great at times and jarring at others, employing something that is, to my ears, akin to a hardcore bark. As for the music, it is consistently awesome (although so was LHP) and if LG had still been on vocals here it could have been their best album. As it is, Clandestine falls into the category of great death metal, but falls a little shy of certifiably classic. Just IMO by the way I don't mean to say it neccesarilly isn't, just that it doesn't do it for me, much in the way that Napalm Death doesn't after Enslavement to Obliteration (cause Barney Greenway's voice annoys me.)
  • old school to the bone
    By SKI ONE
    Don't listen to anyone telling you to throw away your Cannibal Corpse. For he is not a true death metaler. This album is in fact a milestone in the 'Golden Years' of early death metal. Definitely a must have right along all with early releases from Cannibla Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Malevolent Creation, Napalm Death, Death etc.
  • Memoires of an obsessed death-thrasher
    By "Metalized" since 1988
    I bought this album on tape from a friend in 1992 (mind you it was pirated). I didn't have the money, instead I gave him my watch which I got as a gift from Mom. This was in Shillong, India (haven for metal) where I grew up...I tell you Its been the best Death Metal album I have heard since......
  • This is probably my favorite CD
    By legendofchin97
    It is nearly impossible to get this cd from a regular store. Somehow I did find it (used for 9 dollars, actually) after waiting 4 months for it to get off of backorder. Buy it on iTunes if you have to, but there are two bonus tracks on the 1995 reissued version (the one i got). The bonus songs are: Dusk and Shreds of Flesh. These are from the Stranger Aeons single. Stranger Aeons has one of the catchiest riffs I've ever heard in my entire life. Also, I read somewhere that the drummer actually did all the vocals for this cd. I'm not sure if that's true or not. All i do know is this cd is awesome.
    By deathhailsatan
    This is one of the first death metal albums I got into and still can listen to it over & over again. Living Dead, Sinners Bleed & Stranger Eons are classic death metal. This album is a trip into the depths of hell & insanity. One of my favorate death metal albums, check it out.
  • The Best
    By MichaelMcDonaldMakesMeSick
    The is the best death metal album of all time. Alex Hellid and Uffe Cederlund's guitar playing is amazing, but more importantly the song writing is great. This album is eerie. Never been done better before or since.