Challenges - Farewell Fighter


Farewell Fighter

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2013-08-06
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2013 Easy Killer Records and Apparel Inc.


Title Artist Time
Well Wishing 1:16 USD 0.99
Growing Pains 4:01 USD 0.99
Fall 3:55 USD 0.99
Grow 3:57 USD 0.99
Bridges 3:15 USD 0.99
Love, Lust, Or Losing It? 4:19 USD 0.99
The Bend 4:23 USD 0.99
Never Have I Ever 3:33 USD 0.99
See 2:24 USD 0.99
Epitaph 3:59 USD 0.99
Where I Belong 3:24 USD 0.99
Golden 5:24 USD 0.99
Challenges - Farewell Fighter
Cover Album Challenges - Farewell Fighter


  • Amazing!!
    By Vanessa Santini
    I've got to meet these guys and they are all just amazing!!! Love the album can't wait for more to come! <3
  • Love These Guys
    By viola mad
    I found them shortly after the release of their first EP, The Winning Team. I love their music and have been dying for a full-length release, so I was extremely excited when they announced this one. Some of the songs are recycled from their second EP, which isn't on iTunes, but the new songs are amazing. I'm excited for the next full-length release because it will be all new songs. These guys always please, so if you're looking for a band that is consistently amazing, this is the band for you.
  • Loved it. You've got to buy it!
    By Gjdhg
    Well worth $9.99. You won't be disappointed at all! Great job to FF and I wish them the best of luck!
  • absolute masterpiece
    By Jordaneli
    this album captures the essense of what 'coming of age' truly means. a physical must own album.!
  • Hard work pays off.
    By Allen Barber
    These men are the hardest working band in the business. I've seen them come from very humble beginnings to finally getting signed after breaking their backs trying to get there. And you know what the funny thing is? The "humble" in "humble beginnings" never left. None of their success has gone to their heads. This album is the perfect example of their journey. Everyone can relate to the lyrics in these songs, and if you don't then you clearly don't have a heart. Give it a listen. You won't be disappointed.
  • Wow
    By kann2898
    This album ties familiar songs with amazing new ones to bring a beautiful message into the world.
  • 3 years.
    By jordnsaysthings
    A few days and 3 years ago a guy with some flyers approached me and asked me to come to his band's show. I went. Then I stood by for three years and watched them grow (no pun intended) into one of the most talented and driven group of people I know. Challenges was worth the wait, worth the purchase, and worth at least a few thousand plays. Excellent album, excellent band.
  • To whom it may concern.
    By Manclad84
    This album has been long awaited and it's time to fall back in love with the music you loved just a couple years ago. This album by Kenny,Dave,Lee, and Matt is an album close friends and brand new fans should be proud of to have on their musical device. The best thing about Farewell Fighter is not only their music; but the heart and passion they have for their fans. If you want to feel appreciated by a band that writes amazing music, then this is your album. With more production added in, on this album you will hear different strings and even multi layered guitar parts to put an amazing feeling in your soul. We all live, love, and struggle therefore we have had challenges. //.
  • <3
    By SidebottomPaige
    Always loved this band.
  • This album captures the journey of life!
    By HeatherAndy
    When we are young all we want is to grow up faster, become an adult so we do all these fun things that we think adults just get to do all the time. But then we grow up and realize that growing up comes with a lot of responsibility and "Challenges," and we wish we could have just stayed younger for a little bit longer, because life was so much simpler when we were kids. But we also know that growing up is a part of life, and we learn a lot through our struggles and, hopefully, come out better for them. This album perfectly embodies that struggle of trying to figure out exactly where you belong in this world and how to take take the lessons we learn as we are growing up and apply them. It flows from track to track mixing deep thought-provoking lyrics with upbeat guitar riffs, throwing in dashes of silly pop punk for good measure. There are songs to dance to, and songs to turn on repeat when you're alone late at night sitting in the dark and just want to think. Farewell Fighter definitely hit the bullseye on this one!