Almost Home - Guardian

Almost Home


  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2014-07-15
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 14

  • ℗ 2014 G-Man Records


Title Artist Time
Boom She Said 3:37 USD 0.69
The Real Me 3:45 USD 0.69
Little Things 4:37 USD 0.69
Wonderful 4:34 USD 0.69
California Rain 3:50 USD 0.69
Show Us What You Got (Interlud 1:22 USD 0.69
King of Fools 4:03 USD 0.69
The Calling (Interlude) 1:01 USD 0.69
Paranoia Kills 2:55 USD 0.69
Price We Pay 3:50 USD 0.69
Free 3:23 USD 0.69
Requiem Calavera (Interlude) 0:40 USD 0.69
Almost Home 4:30 USD 0.69
Almost Home - Guardian
Cover Album Almost Home - Guardian


  • Great new music from this band
    By smcllc
    Big fan of them since the first album. Love Tony's guitar playing! Jamie is absolutely the right singer for this band and overall they are all jelling on this album as much as Fire and Love. Highly recommend it.
  • 69 cents a song!
    By Soundm@n
    It's about time some good American music can be found for less than $1.29 and for it to be only 69 cents? That's even better. I'll get some of those songs. I'll probably stay away from the slow songs. Too many of those songs. Especially with Tony Palacios on lead guitar. I notice on the cover Tony is standing in the middle. Normally, lead vocalists stands in the middle. Fitting do to the fact that it is mentioned that bass player David Bach is the lead vocalist, when he is not. Hmm.
  • Jamie Rowe is Guardian’s vocalist
    By rollandrock
    David Bach is the bass player. C’mon iTunes editorial…do your homework.
  • Loving this album
    By thegreenroom
    I have been a fan since Fire And Love. I really love this album. The heavy stuff is great but I actually really love some of the more mellow songs like "Little Things", "Wonderful" and "California Rain." Guardian did the hard work of being creative and avoided the stereotypical song formats so many other bands fall prey to. I love the honesty of the lyrics but I do wish the source of hope that they reference was more clearly defined as Jesus. Having said that I do believe this album honors God and is musically on spot all the way through. Great to have you back Guardian! It's been way too long!
  • Average
    By lurnch
    I like the music to some of the upbeat songs . Too many slow songs. Disappointed in the lyrics. I miss those bold in your face Christian lyrics. Over all it's just an average rock album, nothing special.
  • The followup to Miracle Mile I've been waiting for
    By DavidMaloney
    Like JonFromIL, I'm a Kickstarter supporter of this album, so have had it for a while now. Like a lot of people my age, I first got into Guardian with Fire & Love and then about wore out Miracle Mile since it was so good. I've always considered myself a Guardian fan, but I've been waiting for the next Miracle Mile-caliber album from them ever since. This is that album. I've rarely been surprised at how great an album is after a long break for the band, so I had moderate (I called it "realistic") expectations. From the start to the finish, if you were a fan of Miracle Mile, you'll love this album. There are several solid rocking tunes, with an eclectic mix of other great songs like you'd expect in a Guardian release. My favorite song, oddly enough, is the milder "Little Things" which just builds and builds and builds and for some reason sticks in my head all day. Look, most albums have a few songs that we either buy individually or rip into a "favorite" playlist and ignore the rest of the album. "Almost Home" is so good start to finish that I've actually left the CD in my vehicle to listen to over and over. Any Guardian fan will love this - especially if, like me, you liked Fire & Love and Miracle Mile the best.
  • Almost Home.... very, very good.
    By JonFromIL
    Let me start by saying I was excited for new music from Guardian, but let's face it, it has been a long while since they have released anything, so I was unsure what to expect. I am honestly a fan of their older music more than the last two or three albums up to this one, I like the arena rock sound more than the slightly alternative stuff, but even that stuff was pretty good, and better than pretty much anything else in the Christian music scene at the time. Fast forward to now, with the release of Almost Home. I got in on it early because I was a kickstarter supporter, so I have had it a few weeks now.... again, I will say I am a fan of their stuff from way back, even before Jamie Rowe was singing for them. Having had Almost Home for a few weeks now, it has not worn out it's welcome at all, but rather, every time I listen to it I am reminded again just how good this record really is. I don't know if it's just because of all the time spent laboring over it, but Almost Home somehow sounds fairly modern yet reminds me a lot of the Miracle Mile CD at the same time. The addition of Jamey Perrenot on guitar along side Tony Palacios... for every bit that Tony is a monster on electric.... Jamey is every bit as much so on acoustic. For a band to have two guitar players of this caliber in this day is just nuts, and basically doesn't happen..... The songs are kind of all over the place, ranging from straight up arena rock to Americana acoustic on the title track.... and not a bad tune anywhere on the disc. It's a big, big deal for me to say this because I like the Fire & Love and Miracle Mile albums a LOT, but I think this is honestly the best album the band has ever done. You will not be disappointed.