20 - Jars of Clay


Jars of Clay

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2014-08-19
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 20

  • ℗ 2014 Gray Matters


20 - Jars of Clay
Cover Album 20 - Jars of Clay


  • Surprisingly Good
    By Swift & True
    I normally DETEST re-recordings. I normally don't even like LIVE albums. Why? Because I fell in love with the artistry in the original compisition and production. Jars of Clay already had an advantage - their thoughtful and poetic lyrics are the main draw for me. Still, I was hesitant. BUT WOW. This is the first album of re-recorded material I bought from any band because it was the first time I was like "MUST HAVE IT!" after listening. It may be the biggest proof yet of their artistic genius that they can rework songs this dramatically while keeping them so familiar. You can sing along with these new recordings before you listen to them, if you can manage to not devote 100% of your attention to the re-imagined beauty of the tracks. The best way I can describe it is its like looking at something very beautiful, not changing it, but getting to see a different side of it. These are the same songs you know and love and they are instantly familiar and intimate. The two metaphors I can best of are this: if you have seen a beautiful tree, look at it again staring up into its branches while laying on the ground. For a personal metaphor, think of seeing an old high school or college buddy you haven't seen in years. The old jokes immediately return, you quickly realize, "Yep, still the same guy," but then after a couple of hours you get to meet his family. Still the same friend, but new side of him you haven't seen that only adds a deeper appreciation.
  • Awesome!
    By KentuckyRanger
    Fresh new sounds to some of their best songs. It's a Jars Of Clay fan must have!
  • Love Them
    By NoDoubt!
    I am not a Christian, but I have been following this band since Flood came out. I love their music and think they sound amazing. I think this album is a great collection and I will continue to listen to them as long as I can :)
  • The Flood was dried up...
    By Lover Of Jars
    This compilation of songs is outstanding, giving the depth and breadth of their entire catalogue and showcasing their brilliant songwriting and melodies. And if you followed along, this recording was a FAN CURATED collection, so the reason there is no FLOOD on this record is because it wasn't voted into the collection. Not the boys fault…it's the fans fault :-) Love it for what it is people!!
  • Cream of the Crop
    By Beanryboy
    Jars of Clay has been one of those bands that’s always been there, whether or not you thought of it. Their music has a sense of timelessness, and nowhere is that more evident than in this collection of reworked classics from their catalogue. They write songs that speak to me right where I’m at constantly, and they’ve been a huge part of my life for the past 20 years. I really can’t put into words how much these songs mean to me, suffice to say this collection is pure gold all the way through, and I can’t recommend it enough.
    By Elihu-Speaks
  • Simply Beautiful
    By shelleyww
    Familiar but fresh...and wonderful! I love the musical creativity. Jars music never gets old. I'm so glad I bought this album. Happy Anniversary, Jars of Clay!
  • Comforting
    By 32mlsm
    Don't know where you are in life, but this is a cascade of Jesus' grace on my soul. Thank you Jars of Clay for this blessing of healing music. This is a gift...a treasure of truth.
  • What a spectacular way to celebrate 20 years of music!
    By Schenley
    This is not a "Greatest Hits" collection, but rather a set of fan-favorites. (No, really, they asked us. We voted.) More than that, it's a collection of favorite songs we fans wanted to hear re-recorded. Since we already have 8 official recordings/remixes of "Flood," you won't find that on here! This is also not a sloppy one-take album, folks. These songs have exceptional production value without being over-produced. Each instrument and vocal is clear and sounds like it's in the room with you, with the exception of the strings, which are beautifully arranged to blend in rather than stand out in most of the tracks. The strings are exceptional. These new arrangements are mostly acoustic - an electric guitar slips in there a few times, and I'm glad! A few old friends returned to lend their voices and talents, adding a special touch to the record. Because these songs were chosen by fans, the band treated them with extra care, and that is evident when you listen to this album. The only new arrangement that I don't particularly care for is "God Will Lift Up Your Head," but I'm quite partial to the original. And my preference isn't going to decrease my rating; to quote Wayne's World, "I mean, Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes that everyone liked. They left that to the Bee Gees." They more than make up for it with tracks like "Trouble Is." Listening to this album I was also struck by the control Dan displays in his vocals; I may have simply never noticed before, but it seemed to me that the emotions were stronger. The sweet tenderness of "Boys," the desperation of "I Need Thee," the intensity of "Collide." When I listen to the final track, Dan is singing the classic lyrics of "Love Song for a Savior," but my heart hears the band expressing gratitude. Of course, I could be projecting here. "Thank you" is all I have to say to these guys.
  • A Wonderful Collection
    By brijjacks
    For those influenced by the music of Jars of Clay over the past twenty years, this is a wonderful collection. More than an assortment of pre-recorded hits, this is a stripped down revisiting and reinvention of fan favorites. Jars of Clay has continuously created music that demands a deeper listen; this album at first glance is a reminiscent one, but evolves into a heart-felt listen packed with meaning. I have found new respect for the creatives behind Jars of Clay. Here's to another twenty.