American Nights - Plain White T's

American Nights

Plain White T's

  • Genre: Rock
  • Release Date: 2015-03-31
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2015 MRI


Title Artist Time
American Nights 3:11 USD 1.29
Pause 3:11 USD 1.29
Never Working 2:58 USD 1.29
Heavy Rotation 2:59 USD 1.29
Stay 3:23 USD 1.29
You Belong 3:43 USD 1.29
Dance Off Time 3:42 USD 1.29
Someday You're Gonna Love Me 4:04 USD 1.29
Love Again 2:58 USD 1.29
Time to Move On 3:03 USD 1.29
Here Come That Sunrise 3:06 USD 1.29
American Nights - Plain White T's
Cover Album American Nights - Plain White T's


    By KatieDun
    I can't stop listening to these songs!! After absolutely loving their past music, I was not disappointed with this album. Absolutely perfect.
  • PWT are back!!!!
    By Punkrockgurl
    Amazing!!! I love it!!! It's in heavy rotation... 😃💛
  • Best thing they've done
    By Sar78729
    Easily the best ever from these guys. Each listen seems to reveal a new favorite. The title song is hard to get out of your head. Love Again and Here Come That Sunshine introduce backing horns and Stay and Heavy Rotation are tunes that get into your head. I started out with 5 favorites but multiple listens keep bring up new ones.
    By Tonders4
    Every song on this album is amazing! I would definitely recommend this album to everyone I know!
  • Originality Still Exists!
    By Bloodscout
    Though I've read on here about in originality from these guys, I couldn't dis-agree more! Being a huge fan of WotY I wasn't sure what to expect from this album. The Boys in the T's did NOT disappoint! Listen to "STAY" and tell me originality is lost! You can't!
  • When Titans Fall
    By LeightBulb
    The Plain White T's are obviously trying to appeal to a younger audience and assimilate with the same sounds as popular bands. None of the songs were original, when listening to the new album I was constantly thinking I've heard these lyrics or rhythm in something else. While some songs are memorable like the leading track, most are easily forgettable. I know a lot of people who liked the originality the Plain White T's had from the start and that's what made them popular. It's a shame such a good band had to fall to the pressure of the new music scene.
  • Dang! What a shame.
    By tintin
    I had such high hopes after Wonders of the Younger, but monotony seems to be the theme on this one. Half of the songs sound exactly the same. I agree with another review saying that they went mainstream. I am glad I didn't pre-ordered this album, because I would only have wanted half of the songs. Better luck next time. Just hope it doesn't take another 4 years!!!
  • 😍
    By sophia_volpe
    I have been counting down the days for this album to come out and I'm so excited it comes out tomorrow!! I know it's going to be great.
  • Plain white T's are back!
    By Nikkinicoled
    Based on Pause and their Should've gone to bed EP I can tell this is going to be a great album
  • They went Mainstream
    By AlexZandevakili
    They sound like Imagine Dragons/Panic! At the Disco and new Fallout Boy had a kid.